Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F. W. Seward

No. 17.]

Sir: Enclosed, No. 1, I have the honor to transmit a copy of a letter from Baron Magnus, minister of Prussia, notifying me of his intention to leave [Page 458] Mexico, and asking my intervention with the Mexican authorities in case any formalities should have to be observed in executing his intended departure.

No. 2 contains my reply thereto.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. F. W. Seward, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington; D. C.

Baron Magnus to Mr. Otterbourg

Mr. Minister: As soon as my health permits I will leave this city for Vera Cruz, where I embark for Europe.

I do not know what formalities are necessary for my departure, and as I have no intercourse with the Mexican authorities, I beg you to aid me in my efforts to quit this country as soon as possible.

I take the occasion to repeat the assurances of my distinguished consideration.


His Excellency Marcus Otterbourg, &c., &c., &c.

Mr. Otterbourg to Baron Magnus

While acknowledging the receipt of your excellency’s communication dated yesterday, in reference to the formalities to be observed on the occasion of your departure from Mexico, your excellency will permit me to direct your attention to the enclosed copy of my reply addressed on the same subject to the representatives of France, Belgium, and Italy, since the date of which the circumstances have not at all changed.

With assurances of the highest consideration,


His Excellency Baron Magnus, &c., &c., &c., Mexico.