Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F.W.Seward
No. 16.]
Legation of the United States,
September 20, 1867.
Sir: I have the honor herewith to enclose
copies of a correspondence between Baron Magnus, Prussian minister, and
myself, in view of his expected departure from Mexico.
Enclosure No. 1. Communication from the minister of Prussia, requesting
that the subjects of the states composing a portion of the confederation
of northern Germany, and resident in Mexico, be placed under the
protection of the flag of the United States.
Enclosure No. 2. My reply thereto.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Hon. F. W. Seward,
Assistant Secretary of State, Washington, D.
Baron Magnus to Mr. Otterbourg
City of Mexico,
September 18, 1867.
Mr. Minister: The King, my august
sovereign, having been pleased to recall me from my place as
minister resident in Mexico, I am ordered to place the subjects of
the North German Confederation under the protection of the
representative of the United States at this capital.
As I start for Vera Cruz immediately, I beg you will take my
countrymen of North Germany, now in Mexico, under the protection of
the government of the United States, so worthily represented by your
Accept the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.
His Excellency Marcus Otterbourg,
&c., &c., &c.
Mr. Otterbourg to Baron Magnus
Legation of the United States,
September 20, 1867.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note
of the 18th instant, in which you have been pleased to advise me of
your departure at an early date from the country, and of the order
received from your government to place under the protection of the
representative of the United States resident here the citizens of
the states which form a portion of the confederation of northern
I have informed Mr. John S. Cripps, who is in charge of the United
States consulate at this city, that he should act in behalf of those
citizens under the instructions previously given him in regard to
citizens of other nationalities who, under similar circumstances,
have sought the protection of the United States through their
representatives in Mexico.
My departure from Mexico is arranged for to-morrow, and on my arrival
at Washington I shall lay the subject before the government of the
United States, in order that its representatives in Mexico may
assume the responsibility of the degree of protection to be extended
to the subjects of other powers, under direct instructions from the
Department of State.
I avail myself of the opportunity to express to your excellency the
assurances of my distinguished consideration.
His Excellency Baron Magnus,
&c., &c., &c.