Papers relating to foreign affairs.
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1867. | ||||
199 | Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 13 | Destructive earthquake in the island of Mitylene. | 1 |
206 | do | May 8 | Importation of revolvers prohibited | 1 |
141 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris | May 10 | Severe laws against the Jewish population in Servia | 2 |
209 | Mr. Morris to Mr. May 31 Seward. | May 31 | Same subject | 3 |
213 | do | June 12 | Importation of revolvers prohibited | 5 |
214 | do | June 25 | New law granting right of property to foreigners. | 5 |
144 | Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Morris. | June 29 | Severe laws against the Jewish population in Servia. | 9 |
215 | Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. | July 3 | Extension of the right of inheritance to Vacouf estates or church property. | 11 |
216 | do | July 12 | Alleged persecution of the Jews in the Danubian principalities. | 13 |
150 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris. | July 17 | Right of holding real estate granted to foreigners in Turkey. | 14 |
151 | do | July 22 | Transmitting resolution of Congress in sympathy with the people of Crete. | 14 |
224 | Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. | Aug. — | Same subject | 15 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1866. | ||||
57 | Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 20 | Permission to the suffering Japanese to purchase rice of foreigners. | 16 |
58 | do | Dec. 20 | The rice riots in Japan. Proposed embassy to the United States to procure general information. | 17 |
59 | do | Dec. 22 | Progress of the civil war in Japan | 18 |
60 | do | Dec. 22 | Disastrous conflagrations at Yokohama and Yedo. | 20 |
61 | do | Dec. 24 | The delay in opening the port of Hiogo and the city of Osacca. | 21 |
1867. | ||||
5 | do | Jan. 12 | The present political state in Japan. | 2 |
10 | do | Feb. 4 | Conclusion of the Japanese treaty with Denmark. | 23 |
11 | do | Feb. 19 | Appointment of commissioners to proceed to the United States to purchase ships of war. | 24 |
12 | do | Feb. 21 | Investiture of the Tycoon with the title of Chief Executive. Death of the Mikado. Appointment of the Tycoon’s brother to proceed to the Paris Exposition. | 26 |
1867. | ||||
11 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Van Valkenburgh. | Mar. 5 | Conclusion of the treaty between Japan and China, and Italy. | 28 |
14 | Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 15 | Simonoseki indemnity | 29 |
15 | do | Mar. 18 | Same subject | 30 |
12 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Van valkenburgh. | Mar. 28 | Appointment of commissioners to proceed to the United States to purchase ships of war. | 30 |
20 | Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Mr. Seward. | April 20 | Opening of the ports and cities to foreign trade and residence. Promised audience with the Tycoon on the subject. | 31 |
22 | do | May 6 | Opening of the ports. Audience with the Tycoon and delivery of his letter of credence. | 32 |
23 | Do | May 10 | Site selected for the foreign settlement at Hiogo. | 36 |
24 | do | May 18 | Mediation of Japan in behalf of European governments with Corea. | 36 |
25 | do | May 18 | Simonoseki indemnity | 37 |
26 | do | May 18 | The location of the foreign settlements at Hiogo, Osacca, and Yedo. | 38 |
28 | do | May 23 | His departure for Yedo | 40 |
29 | do | May 23 | Opening of Osacca and Hiogo to foreigners | 41 |
30 | do | June 10 | Appointment by the Hawaiian government of a commissioner to negotiate a treaty with Japan. | 42 |
31 | do | June 12 | Proposed examination of the west coast of Japan to determine upon the part to be opened in place of Neeëgata. | 42 |
32 | Do | June 18 | Japanese circular encouraging social intercourse with foreign officials. | 43 |
19 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Yan valkenburgh. | July 6 | Purchase of the “Stonewall” by the Japanese government. | 45 |
20 | do | July 12 | Simonoseki indemnity. The desired postponement of payment of the balance. | 45 |
21 | do | July 12 | Appointment of consular officers in Japan | 46 |
23 | do | July 23 | Japanese intentions with regard to the Corean affair. | 46 |
37 | Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 17 | Visit to Hakodadi and other ports | 47 |
38 | do | Aug. 17 | Murder of George Bunker, an American sailor, at Nagasaki. | 51 |
39 | do | Aug. 18 | Application of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company for wharf privileges at Nagasaki. | 52 |
41 | do | Aug. 21 | Proposed transfer of the United States hospital ground at Yokohama to Dr. Vedder. | 53 |
42 | do | Aug. 21 | Termination of the war in Japan | 54 |
43 | do | Aug. 22 | The opening of Yedo for the purposes of trade. | 55 |
44 | do | Aug. 23 | Persecution of Christians in Japan | 56 |
45 | do | Aug. 23 | Return of the Japanese commissioners from the United States. | 58 |
27 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Van Valkenburgh. | Sept. 9 | The establishment of Christian houses of worship in Japan. | 59 |
50 | Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 3 | Arrangement between the Japanese and Russian governments relative to the possession of the island of Saghalien. | 61 |
29 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Van Valkenburgh. | Oct. 7 | The contemplated opening of Yedo to foreigners. | 62 |
1867. | ||||
30 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Van Valkenburgh. | Oct. 7 | Case of George Bunker, murdered at Nagasaki. | 63 |
32 | do | Oct. 7 | Persecution of native Christians in Japan | 63 |
52 | Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 7 | Satisfaction expressed by the Japanese government at the reception of their commissioners in the United States. | 64 |
32½ | Mr. Seward to Mr. Van Valkenburgh. | Oct. 10 | Proposed lease to Dr. Vedder of the United States hospital grounds at Yokohama. | 64 |
54 | Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 21 | Importation of machinery to aid in the manufacture of silk in Japan. | 65 |
56 | do | Oct. 22 | Foreign settlements at Yedo. Opening of a port on the west coast. | 66 |
62 | do | Nov. 7 | Assumption by the Tycoon of the title of Kubosama, and its probable effects. | 67 |
63 | do | Nov. 12 | Establishment of Christian houses of worship in Japan. Persecution of the native Christians. | 68 |
64 | do | Nov. 16 | Arrangement for municipal government at Yokohama. | 73 |
65 | do | Nov. 18 | Appointment of Charles W. Brooks as Japanese consul at San Francisco. | 73 |
66 | do | Nov. 20 | The Japanese envoys to Corea | 75 |
68 | do | Dec. 2 |
Change in authority of the Tycoon |
76 |
69 | do | Dec. 3 | Postponement of the opening of the city of Yedo. | 79 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1866. | ||||
70 | Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 8 | Case of John H. Surratt | 82 |
72 | do | Dec. 27 | Same subject | 82 |
1867. | ||||
29 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Hale. | Jan. 23 | Same subject | 83 |
79 | Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 26 | Same subject. Relations of Egypt with the Ottoman Porte. | 83 |
88 | do | June 8 | Return of the Egyptian battalion from Mexico. | 84 |
89 | do | June 10 | Demonstrations in view of the escape from assassination of the Emperor of Russia. | 85 |
90 | do | June 11 | New title conferred upon the ruler of Egypt by the Porte. | 86 |
92 | do | June 15 | Rules for the organization of the assembly of representatives at Cairo. | 87 |
98 | do | July 9 | Effect of the news of the Archduke Maximilian’s death. Funeral of the Egyptian minister of War. Arrival of pilgrims from Mecca. Formation of the Anglo-Indian Telegraph Company. | 93 |
104 | do | Sept. 25 | Political affairs. The Abyssinian expedition. | 95 |
105 | do | Oct. 7 | Return of Egyptian troops from Candia | 96 |
107 | do | Nov. 4 | Return of Egyptian troops from Crete | 96 |
108 | do | Nov. 25 | Ill treatment of native Christians in Egypt | 97 |
111 | do | Dec. 16 | Proposed change in the administration of justice in Egypt. | 101 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1866. | ||||
117 | Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 11 | Circulation of copper coin | 103 |
1867. | ||||
127 | do | June 8 | Appearance of the cholera | 104 |
128 | do | June 28 | Same Subject | 104 |
129 | do | July 6 | Same Subject | 105 |
130 | do | July 13 | Effect of atmospheric changes on the cholera. | 105 |
131 | do | July 27 | The cholera. Action between the Bey’s troops and the Bedouins. | 106 |
134 | do | Aug. 28 | Transmitting Mr. Cubisol’s statistical work on Tunis. | 107 |
135 | do | Sept. 3 | Disappearance of the cholera | 108 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1866. | ||||
17 | Mr. Asboth to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 15 | The war in Paraguay. Complication of international affairs in South America. | 110 |
16 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Asboth. | Dec. 20 | Tender of the good offices of the United States towards a pacification. | 114 |
1867. | ||||
2 | Mr. Asboth to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 7 | Passage of a new currency bill for Buenos Ayres. | 115 |
4 | do | Jan. 11 | Tender of the good offices of the United States towards a pacification. | 116 |
6 | do | Jan. 22 | The Paraguayan war. Naval engagement. Mediation of the United States. | 117 |
7 | do | Jan. 27 | Delay of the Argentine government in replying to the proffered mediation of the United States. | 121 |
10 | do | Feb. 2 | Consul Hollister’s refusal of protection papers to United States citizens. | 125 |
11 | do | Feb. 2 | Mediation of the United States in the Paraguayan struggle. Delay in the response of the Argentine Republic. Military affairs. | 129 |
12 | do | Feb. 8 | Mediation of the United States | 131 |
14 | do | Feb. 25 | Same subject. Reply of the minister for foreign affairs. | 135 |
15 | do | Feb. 28 | Return of President Mitre to Buenos Ayres | 142 |
16 | do | Mar. 12 | Mediation of the United States. Military events. | 143 |
18 | do | Mar. 25 | Mediation of the United States. Admiral Godon’s course. | 150 |
27 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Asboth. | Mar. 27 | Issue of protection papers to Harry C. Albee and P. O. Gordon. | 155 |
28 | do | April 1 | Meditation of the United States | 156 |
29 | do | April 1 | Same Subject | 157 |
20 | Mr. Asboth to Mr. Seward. | April 10 | Same Subject | 157 |
21 | do | April 12 | Same Subject | 165 |
22 | do | April 23 | Appearance of cholera. Military affairs | 167 |
23 | do | 1 May 9 | Transmitting daily memoranda of political events. | 171 |
34 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Asboth. | May 18 | Mediation of the United States. Relations between diplomatic representatives and naval officers of the United States. | 176 |
36 | do | May 27 | Mediation of the United States | 178 |
1867. | ||||
26 | Mr. Asboth to Mr. Seward. | May 27 | Expected inauguration of the sixth national congress. The cholera. | 178 |
28 | do | June 10 | Opening of the national congress. Message of President Mitre. Detention of Mr. Washburn and the mediation question. Military affairs. | 188 |
32 | do | June 24 | Resignation of Vice-President Paz. Military affairs. Feeling prevalent in Brazil. | 199 |
38 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Asboth. | July 1 | Declination by the Oriental republic of United States mediation. | 204 |
39 | do | July 11 | Transmitting Señor Mitre’s communication relative to the course pursued by Messrs. Asboth and Washburn in pressing the offers of the mediation of the United States. | 204 |
34 | Mr. Asboth to Mr. Seward. | July 11 | The withdrawal of the resignation of Vice-President Paz. News from the seat of war. | 205 |
40 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Asboth. | July 22 | No further special instructions upon the state of the controversy between the belligerents necessary. | 210 |
36 | Mr. Asboth to Mr. Seward. | July 26 | Message of President Mitre. Military movements. | 211 |
37 | do | Aug. 9 | Congratulations on the acquisition of Alaska. | 215 |
38 | do | Aug. 10 | Progress of military operations | 216 |
40 | do | Aug. 26 | Same subject. Revolution in Cordova | 220 |
42 | do | Sept. 10 | Changes in the Argentine cabinet, and the causes thereof. | 225 |
43 | do | Sept. 12 | Military and political affairs | 226 |
45 | do | Sept. 25 | Probabilities of peace. Conditions of a treaty of peace. Military affairs. | 234 |
46 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Asboth. | Oct. 30 | Acknowledging congratulations on the acquisition of Alaska. | 240 |
47 | do | Nov. 12 | Political events. The exploration of the Sal-ado river. | 240 |
48 | do. | Nov. 25 | Relative to the reply of Vice-President Paz to Mr. Asboth, and the notes of the latter upon the military situation on the La Plata. | 241 |
1866. | ||||
Señor Sarmiento to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 17 | Favorable termination of the correspondence between the Argentine Republic and Mr. Washburn. | 241 | |
Mr. Seward to Señor Sarmiento. | Dec. 20 | Same Subject | 241 | |
1867. | ||||
Señor Mitre to Mr. Seward. | July 9 | Explanations of the conduct observed by the Argentine government in relation to the offer of mediation by the United States. | 242 | |
Mr. Seward to Señor Mitre. | July 11 | Same Subject | 243 | |
Señor Mitre to Mr. Seward. | July 17 | Same Subject | 244 |
[Page VI]No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1867. | ||||
25 | Mr. Webb to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 24 | Mediation of the United States in the Paraguayan war. | 245 |
28 | do | Feb. 23 | Transmitting despatch from the foreign office acknowledging the receipt of the offer of mediation. | 247 |
34 | do | May 3 | The political state of the country. Slavery in 1 Brazil. | 248 |
208 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Webb. | June 17 | Disapproval of controversy or criticism between representatives of the United States and foreign governments. | 254 |
210 | do | June 17 | Declination by Brazil of the offer of mediation. | 254 |
213 | do | July 18 | Transmitting the resolution of Congress in reply to one of the Brazilian chambers on the death of Abraham Lincoln. | 255 |
220 | do | Nov. 26 | The affairs on the La Plata and probabilities of peace. | 255 |
Señor Azamruja to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 22 | Opening of the Amazon, San Francisco, and other rivers to vessels of all nations. | 256 | |
Mr. Seward to Señor Albuquerque. | Feb. 2 | Same Subject | 257 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1867. | ||||
62 | Mr. Hall to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 6 | Receipt of circular on the subject of mediation in the Spanish-American war. | 258 |
48 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Hall. | Feb. 19 | Maritime prizes taken in the war between Spain and the South American republics to be adjudicated in the courts of the United States of Colombia. Protest of the United States government against the decree. | 258 |
49 | do | Mar. 8 | Mediation of the United States in the Spanish-American war. | 258 |
50 | do | Mar. 9 | Same subject | 259 |
64 | Mr. Hall to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 24 | Same Subject | 259 |
52 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Hall. | May 8 | Same Subject | 259 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1866. | ||||
22 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Kilpatrick. | Oct. 2 | Transmitting opinion of the Attorney General on the claim of Wheelwright & Company, and Lorring & Company for losses sustained in the bombardment of Valparaiso by Spain. | 260 |
1867. | ||||
38 | Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 2 | Proposed mediation of England and France in the Spanish-American war not accepted. Probable success of a similar proposition from the United States. | 261 |
38 bis | Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 2 | Presentation of the letter of congratulation from President Johnson to President Perez on the latter’s re-election. | 262 |
39 | do | Feb. 2 | Mediation of the United States in the Spanish-American war. | 264 |
32 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Kilpatrick. | Feb. 2 | Same Subject | 265 |
36 | do | Mar. 9 | Same Subject | 266 |
49 | Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr, Seward. | May 1 | Transmitting the reply of the Chilian government declining the proffered mediation of the United States. | 266 |
40 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Kilpatrick. | June 11 | Same Subject | 269 |
61 | Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Seward. | July 8 | Probable return of the Spanish fleet to the coast of Chili. | 269 |
67 | do | Aug. 1 | The reply of Chili to the proposed mediation of the United States in the Spanish-Amer-can war. | 271 |
68 | do | Aug. 1 | State of public feeling and affairs in Chili | 271 |
45 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Kilpatrick. | Sept. 19 | Telegraphic communication between Peru, Chili, and the United States. | 272 |
79 | Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 1 | Change in the Chilian ministry and its probable effects. | 273 |
82 | do | Oct. 8 | Same Subject | 273 |
50 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Kilpatrick. | Nov. 1 | Same Subject | 274 |
Mr. Seward to Señor Gana. | Feb. 19 | Maritime prizes taken in the Spanish-American war to be adjudicated in the courts of the United States of Colombia. Protest of the United States against the decree. | 274 | |
Do | Mar. 11 | The Spanish-American war; propositions for a peace conference. | 274 | |
Señors Gana and Medina to Mr. Seward. | June 23 | Their fears that the Dunderberg has not been sold to the French government, but to that of Spain, and requesting assurance to the contrary. | 275 | |
Mr. F. W. Seward to Señors Gana and Medina. | June 24 | Same subject; the desired assurance given | 275 | |
Señors Gana and Medina to Mr. F. W. Seward. | June 25 | Same Subject | 276 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1867. | ||||
1 | Mr. Lawrence to Mr. Seward. | Jan. — | Information relative to the Nicaragua Transit Company. Delivery of his letter of credence. | 277 |
2 | do | Feb. 10 | Contract between John C. Frémont and the Costa Rican government. | 279 |
7 | do | April 11 | Political status of the Costa Ricans | 279 |
3 | Mr. Morrell to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 10 | Transmitting decree of the President relative to the Costa Rica railroad and the opening of the port of Limon. Financial prospects. | 280 |
[Page VIII]No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1867. | ||||
25 | Mr. Coggeshall to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 2 | Transmitting the answer of the government of Ecuador to the offer of mediation by the United States in the Spanish American war. | 282 |
26 | do | Feb. 2 | Perfected arrangements for the payment of the second instalment of the debt due the United States. | 282 |
27 | do | Mar. 2 | Same Subject | 284 |
21 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Coggeshall. | Mar. 9 | Same Subject | 285 |
36 | Mr. Coggeshall to Mr. Seward. | May 18 | Relative to the position occupied by native-born Ecuadorians who have became naturalized citizens of the United States, with regard to the non-payment of taxes by them to their adopted government. | 286 |
39 | do | June 18 | Transmitting the rejection by the Ecuadorian government of the offered mediation of the United States in the Spanish-American war. | 286 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1867. | ||||
11 | Mr. Warrren to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 10 | Revolt of General Cruz | 288 |
12 | do | Mar. 2 | Same Subject | 288 |
20 | do | July 17 | Same Subject | 289 |
22 | do | July 31 | Effect of the death of the Archduke Maximilian | 289 |
24 | do | Aug. 16 | Revolt headed by a brother of General Cruz. Apprehensions of difficulty with Mexico. | 290 |
27 | do | Sept. 16 | Government grant for the construction of a railroad. | 290 |
28 | do | Sept. 30 | Same Subject | 291 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1866. | ||||
16 | Mr. Rouse to Mr. | Dec. 14 | Discriminating duties levied by the United | 292 |
1867. | ||||
18. | Mr. Seward to Mr. McCook. | Jan. 5 | Appreciation by the Hawaiian government of the courtesies extended to her Majesty Queen Emma in the United States. | 294 |
20 | do | Feb. 5 | Transmitting the President’s proclamation suspending the discriminating duties levied by the United States upon Hawaiian vessels. | 294 |
22 | Mr. Rouse to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 7 | Case of the Blue Jacket | 295 |
24 | do | April 26 | Acknowledging receipt of the President’s proclamation suspending the levy of discriminating duties on Hawaiian vessels. | 300 |
26 | Mr. F.W.Seward to Mr. McCook. | April 27 | Case of the Blue Jacket | 300 |
34 | Mr. McCook toMr. Seward. | Aug. 22 | Transmitting information relative to Alaska. | 301 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1866. | ||||
10 | Mr. Peck to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 28 | Destruction of his residence and of the legation records by fire. | 303 |
12 | do | Dec. 28 | Same subject. Kind hospitalities extended him by the diplomatic corps on the occasion. | 303 |
1867 | ||||
19 | do | Feb. 23 | Revolt of the President’s household troops in favor of Salnave. | 304 |
21 | do | Mar. 11 | Changes in the cabinet and in the public policy. Rumored resignation of President Geffrard. Insurrection in the northern districts. | 305 |
22 | do | Mar. 13 | Departure of President Geffrard in disguise. Temporary restoration of good order. | 306 |
23 | do | Mar. 27 | General confusion in the cabinet and among the people. Revolution in the north. General Nisage elected provisional President. Organization of the provisional government. | 306 |
24 | do | Mar. 27 | General outline of public events since the abdication of President Geffrard. | 310 |
25 | do | April 6 | Course pursued by the provisional government in the reconstruction of its principles and policy. Movements and policy of General Salnave. | 310 |
28 | do | April 8 | Policy of General Salnave and his probable establishment of a new government. | 313 |
30 | do | May 6 | Reception of General Salnave by Generals Nisage, Chevalier, and the people. Dissolution of the provisional government. General Salnave made “protector of the republic.” | 313 |
34 | do | May 11 | Tribute to the memory of Captain Walker for his services in conveying General Salnave from Cape Haytien, at the bombardment by the British in 1865. Strong feeling against the British representative who ordered the attack. | 314 |
35 | do | May 14 | Decree of the constituent assembly confirming General Salnave in the presidency. Appointment of his cabinet. | 315 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1867. | ||||
2 | Mr. Seys to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 3 | His arrival and presentation to President Warner. | 317 |
3 | do | Jan. 5 | His reception by the senate and house of representatives of Liberia. | 319 |
5 | do | Jan. 8 | Transmitting copy of the message of President Warner. Violation of the revenue laws of Liberia. | 320 |
8 | do | Jan. 24 | Relative to the transfer of a gunboat from the United States to the republic of Liberia. | 325 |
9 | do | Jan. 24 | Necessity of a postal convention between the United States and the republic of Liberia. | 326 |
10 | do | Jan. 26 | Emigration of freedmen from the United States to Liberia. | 327 |
7 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Seys. | April 4 | Same Subject | 328 |
8 | do | April 6 | The transfer of a gunboat to Liberia | 328 |
9 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Seys. | April 16 | Transmitting letter from the Postmaster General relative to the proposed postal convention between the United States and Liberia. | 329 |
16 | Mr. Seys to Mr. Seward. | May 11 | Presidential election in Liberia | 330 |
1866. | ||||
Mr. Schieffelin to to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 22 1867. | Proposed discontinuance of the naval force on the coast of Africa. Necessity of a gunboat for the coast of Liberia. | 330 | |
Do | Jan. 11 | Same Subject | 331 | |
Do | Jan. 25 | Same Subject | 332 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Schieffelin. | Feb. 5 | Transmitting copy of a letter from the Secretary of the navy relative to the sending of a cruiser to the Liberian coast. | 332 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1866. | ||||
6 | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 13 | Arrival of General Sherman and himself at Brazos. Interview with General Escobedo. | 334 |
Tel. | do | Dec. 24 | The movements of Mexican generals. Requesting leave of absence. | 337 |
7 | do | Dec. 24 | Movements of Mexican generals. Correspondence with Generals Escobedo, Berriozabal, and Consul Lane. | 337 |
Tel | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | Dec. 25 | Desiring him to remain in Mexico for further instructions. | 339 |
11 | do | Dec. 27 | Approving his proceedings in Mexico. | 339 |
12 | do | Dec. 29 | Adhering to directions in telegram of the 25th instant. | 340 |
8 | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 31 | Seizure of property of the owner of the American schooner Mary Bertrand. | 340 |
1867. | ||||
Tel. | do | Jan. 2 | Desiring permission to visit his family | 343 |
9 | do | Jan. 2 | Same subject | 343 |
Tel. | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | Jan. 2 | Desiring him to await further instructions at New Orleans. | 344 |
Tel. | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 7 | Same Subject | 344 |
Tel. | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | Jan. 8 | Same Subject | 344 |
Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 11 | Transmitting information as to the movements of Mexican generals. | 344 | |
11 | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 12 | Case of the Mary Bertrand | 345 |
14 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | Jan. 14 | Same Subject | 345 |
6 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 17 | Council convoked at Mexico by Maximilian. Uncertainty relative to the abdication of the Emperor Movements of the French. | 345 |
Mr. Plumb to Mr. Mr. Seward. | Jan. 19 | Probable occupation of the city of Mexico by the liberals upon the evacuation of it by the French. | 348 | |
14 | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 21 | Case of the Mary Bertrand | 348 |
15 | do | Jan. 25 | Movements of President Juarez | 349 |
1867. | ||||
15 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | Jan. 26 | Transmitting memorandum of a conversation with M. Berthemy relative to the termination of the Mexican question. | 350 |
16 | do | Jan. 28 | Transmitting copy of a despatch from Consul Saulnier relative to the evacuation. | 350 |
8 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 29 | Arrangements for the occupation of Puebla and Mexico by the liberal forces. | 351 |
17 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | Jan. 30 | Case of the Mary Bertrand | 354 |
18 | do | Jan. 30 | Permission granted to visit New Orleans | 355 |
17 | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 4 | The evacuation of Mexico by the French. Probable resistance to the entrance of the liberal army. | 355 |
18 | do | Feb. 9 | His contemplated departure for his home | 355 |
9 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 10 | The city of Mexico evacuated by the French troops. Movements of the Mexican generals. | 356 |
10 | do | Feb. 16 | Departure of Prince Maximilian for Queretaro. Movements of the liberals. | 361 |
20 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | Mar. 2 | Transmitting copy of a decree of President Juarez, published in the New York Herald, and of a letter from Mr. Dwyer relative to exemption of American merchants in Mexico from forced loans. | 363 |
Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 7 | Movements of Prince Maximilian and of the liberal forces. | 365 | |
Do | Mar. 8 | Relative to a decree of President Juarez and forced loans in Mexico. | 368 | |
13 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F.W. Seward. | Mar. 9 | Forced loans in Mexico | 369 |
14 | do | Mar. 9 | Execution of French soldiers by the liberals. Movements of the Mexican generals. Case of Zerman. | 371 |
Mr. Plumb to Mr. Jacobson. | Mar. 11 | Maximilian with the imperial army. Reorganization of the army. Movements of Mexican generals. | 373 | |
19 | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 12 | Arrival at New Orleans and receipt of despatches. Awaiting instructions. | 374 |
Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 13 | Transmitting proclamation of Maximilian at Queretaro. Denunciation of certain of his officers by foreign representatives. | 375 | |
15 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F. W.Seward. | Mar. 15 | Siege of Puebla by General Diaz. Reported victory gained by the imperial army near Queretaro. | 377 |
Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 18 | Transmitting copy of that part of the correspondence between France and Mexico in 1838–’39, relating to forced loans. | 378 | |
21 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | Mar. 18 | Forced loans in mexico | 382 |
20 | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 18 | Transmitting petitions from Generals Gomez, Cuesta, and Cortinas for assistance of money and arms from the United States for the cause of President Juarez. | 383 |
21 | do | Mar. 20 | Same Subject | 385 |
22 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | Mar. 23 | Claims of United States citizens against Mexico | 386 |
23 | do | Mar. 27 | The petition of Generals Gomez, Cuesta, and Cortinas for assistance for the cause of President Juarez. | 386 |
Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 29 | The Military situation in Mexico | 387 | |
1867. | ||||
25 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | April 2 | Negotiations for a treaty with Mexico exempting United States citizens in that country from forced loans or military exactions. | 388 |
Tel. | do | April 6 | Probable capture of Maximilian at Queretaro. Instructions to communicate with Juarez relative to the treatment of the Prince. | 388 |
Tel. | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | April 6 | Same Subject | 388 |
25 | do | April 6 | Same Subject | 389 |
21 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. Seward. | April 7 | Levy of a forced loan. Fall of Puebla. Naturalization. | 391 |
Tel. | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | April 8 | Departure of messenger to President Juarez in compliance with instructions in telegram of the 6th instant. | 394 |
24 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F W. Seward. | April 11 | The defeat of General Marquez by General Diaz. Excitement in the capital. | 394 |
25 | do | April 17 | Measures adopted for the exaction of the forced loan and defence of the city. | 395 |
27 | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | April 24 | Progress of the special messenger to President Juarez. | 397 |
29 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F.W.Seward. | April 30 | Progress of the siege of Mexico by General Diaz. Forced loans. Arrest of two American citizens. | 398 |
31 | do | May 5 | Reported victory of Prince Maximilian at Queretaro. | 403 |
Tel. | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | May 15 | Arrival of the messenger sent to Juarez with the intimation of the probable execution of Maximilian if captured. | 403 |
28 | do | May 15 | Same Subject | 404 |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Otterbourg. | May 15 | Appeal for protection by foreigners in Mexico. | 405 | |
29 | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | May 16 | Affairs at Tampico. The port closed to foreign trade by decree of President Juarez. | 406 |
27 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | May 17 | Proceedings relative to the sending of the messenger to President Juarez approved. | 406 |
28 | do | May 20 | Same Subject | 407 |
30 | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | May 21 | Situation of the contending armies. Suggestion relative to a compromise. | 407 |
32 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F.W.Seward. | May 25 | Fall of Queretaro and the surrender of Prince Maximilian and his generals. Appeals of foreigners for protection. | 408 |
Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | May 27 | Same subject | 410 | |
31 | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | May 28 | Same subject | 410 |
Tel. | do | May 29 | Report that Maximilian is to be executed | 410 |
Tel. | do | May 31 | Reported execution of Prince Maximilian and his generals. | 411 |
33 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | June 1 | Instructions to proceed to President Juarez and urge clemency for Prince Maximilian. | 411 |
Tel. | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | June 3 | Same subject | 411 |
34 | Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | June 5 | Same subject | 411 |
Tel. | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | June 6 | Same subject | 412 |
Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | June 7 | Smuggling on the Rio Grande frontier | 412 | |
Do | June 7 | Deliberation respecting the disposition of the prisoners taken at Queretaro. | 415 | |
35 | Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Campbell | June 8 | Instructions relative to the route he should pursue to the city of Mexico. | 417 |
1867. | ||||
Tel. | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | June 10 | Relative to his route to Mexico | 417 |
36 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | June 11 | Instruction to proceed to Mexico without delay. | 417 |
Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | June 12 | Trial of Maximilian, Miramon, and Mejia by court-martial.. | 417 | |
Tel. | Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. | June 15 | Accepting his resignation | 418 |
Tel. | Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. | June 15 | Same subject | 419 |
Tel. | do | June 15 | Same subject | 419 |
33 | do | June 16 | Same subject | 419 |
Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | June 19 | President Juarez inclined to clemency. The army demand the execution of Maximilian, Miramon, and Mejia. | 420 | |
33 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F.W.Seward. | June 21 | Surrender of Mexico. Departure of foreign representatives. Steps taken for the pro* tection of American citizens. Demand for passports. Forced loans. | 420 |
35 | do | June 27 | Preservation of order upon the entry of the Liberal army. Voluntary loan. | 431 |
Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | July 2 | Execution of Prince Maximilian | 434 | |
Do | July 3 | Same subject | 434 | |
36 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F.W.Seward. | July 8 | Acts of General Diaz. Voluntary loan. Departure of the Austrians. Preparations for the departure of French subjects. Execution of General Vidaurri. | 434 |
4 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Otterbourg. | July 12 | Instruction to present his credentials to the President. | 438 |
42 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F.W.Seward. | July 20 | Public entrance of President Juarez into the capital. | 438 |
2 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. Seward. | July 29 | Receipt of his appointment as minister. President Juarez’s proclamation. Action of the foreign representatives. | 439 |
8 | Mr. Hunter to Mr. Otterbourg. | July 30 | Urging clemency in the case of Ignacio Sepulveda. | 444 |
10 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Otterbourg. | Aug. 8 | Claims of United States citizens against Mexico. | 445 |
5 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F.W.Seward. | Aug. 9 | Departure of the French and Italian minis-ters. Financial condition of the country. | 445 |
11 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Otterbourg. | Aug. 10 | Instructions to act in behalf of subjects of foreign powers not represented in Mexico with the consent of that government. | 447 |
16 | do | Aug. 15 | Conduct of our relations with Mexico | 447 |
17 | do | Aug. 15 | Approving his reply to the request of the for-eign representatives for his good offices upon their withdrawal from Mexico. | 447 |
18 | do | Aug. 15 | Same subject | 448 |
6 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 20 | Presentation of his credentials | 448 |
7 | do | Aug, 21 | His representation in behalf of General O’Horan. | 450 |
8 | do | Aug. 21 | Disbanding of the army. Law regulating elections. | 451 |
4 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Plumb. | Aug. 26 | Request for the delivery of the remains of 1 Prince Maximilian to the Austrian authorities. | 452 |
5 | do | Aug. 29 | Approving Mr. Otterbourg’s promise to protect Italian residents in Mexico. | 453 |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Otterbourg. | Aug. 29 | 453 | ||
1867. | ||||
6 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Plumb. | Sept. 4 | Directions to make application to the Mexican government for the privilege of transporting United States army supplies across Mexican territory. | 453 |
13 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. Hunter. | Sept. 8 | Case of Don Ignacio Sepulveda | 454 |
14 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 8 | Reclamations against the Mexican government. | 454 |
15 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F. W. Seward. | Sept. 9 | His good offices in behalf of M. Severo Castillo. | 454 |
7 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Plumb. | Sept. 19 | Instructions to extend his good offices to Belgians in Mexico. | 456 |
16 | Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. F.W. Seward. | Sept. 20 | Correspondence with the Prussian minister previous to his departure relative to subjects of his nation in Mexico. | 457 |
17 | do | Sept. 20 | Same subject | 457 |
18 | do | Sept. 20 | Transmitting copy of correspondence with the minister of foreign affairs previous to his departure from Mexico relative to protection to foreigners; and his departure. | 458 |
10 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Plumb. | Sept. 25 | Approval of the action of Mr. Otterbourg in certain cases. | 460 |
11 | Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 9 | Presentation of his letter of credence. General situation of affairs in Mexico. | 460 |
18 | do | Oct. 18 | Transmitting copy of a document signed by Mr. Otterbourg relative to the protection of French interests in Mexico. | 462 |
19 | do | Oct. 18 | Relative to the presentation of the letter of credence of Mr. Otterbourg. | 462 |
20 | do. | Oct. 19 | Transmitting communication from the Mexican government to Mr. Otterbourg relative to the protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United States government. | 463 |
21 | .do | Oct. 22 | Relative to the proposed charge of French interests in Mexico by the United States representative. | 464 |
22 | do | Oct. 23 | Arrival from Bolivia of a special mission of congratulation to President Juarez upon the success of his cause. | 464 |
12 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Plumb. | Oct. 25 | Proceedings of Admiral Tegetthoff in applying for the remains of Prince Maximilian. Clemency in the case of General Santa Anna. | 465 |
13 | do | Oct. 25 | Desire of the Mexican government relative to United States protection of foreigners in Mexico. | 465 |
25 | Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 28 | Sentence of Ignacio Sepulveda commuted to banishment. | 466 |
26 | do | Oct. 28 | Relative to United States protection of nonrepresented foreigners in Mexico. | 466 |
27 | do | Oct. 31 | Same subject. French interests in Mexico | 468 |
16 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Plumb. | Oct. 31 | Gratification at the manner of his reception by the Mexican government. | 469 |
28 | Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 4 | Commutation of sentences against those implicated in the late struggle. | 469 |
29 | do | Nov. 7 | Liberty to leave the country afforded to Prince Salm-Salm. | 471 |
30 | do | Nov. 7 | Case of Mr. Eloin, private secretary of Prince Maximilian. | 474 |
32 | do | Nov. 9 | 475 | |
33 | do | Nov. 9 | Proposed delivery of the remains of Prince Maximilian to Vice-Admiral Tegetthoff. | 477 |
1867. | ||||
34 | Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 9 | Proposed delivery of the remains of Prince Maximilian to Vice-Admiral Tegetthoff. | 478 |
20 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Plumb. | Nov. 19 | United States protection to non-represented | foreigners in Mexico. | 479 |
23 | do | Nov. 20 | Same subject. French interests | 480 |
35 | Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 20 | Conveyance of United States army supplies through Mexican territory. | 480 |
24 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Plumb. | Nov. 23 | Protection of French interests in Mexico. | 481 |
25 | do | Nov. 26 | Instruction to use his good offices in behalf of Captain Krauseneck. | 482 |
26 | do | Nov. 27 | Approving his proceedings in the case of Prince Salm-Salm and other political prisoners in Mexico. | 482 |
27 | do | Dec. 2 | Cases of Prince Salm-Salm and other political prisoners in Mexico. | 483 |
29 | do | Dec. 2 | Delivery of the remains of Prince Maximilian. | 483 |
1866. | ||||
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 8 | Transmitting published documents relative to General Ortega. | 483 | |
Do | Dec. 12 | Transmitting documents relative to the colonization of United States citizens in Mexico. | 488 | |
Do | Dec. 13 | Relative to the rumored presence of United States troops from Brownsville at Matamoros at the time of the attack on that city by General Escobedo. | 494 | |
! | Do | Dec. 14 | Relative to the arrival of the “Susquehanna” at Vera Cruz, and to the determination of Prince Maximilian not to leave Mexico. | 499 |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. | Dec. 17 | Relative to General Sedgwick’s act in taking possession of Matamoros. | 500 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 21 | Transmitting articles from Parisian papers discussing the question of responsibility for the results in Mexico. | 500 | |
Do | Dec. 22 | Transmitting documents relative to the determination of Prince Maximilian to remain in Mexico. | 509 | |
Do | Dec. 27 | Relative to a continuation of hostilities against thethe forces invading Mexico. | 513 | |
1867. | ||||
Do | Jan. 9 | Relative to the channel of the Rio Grande on the boundary between the United States and Mexico. | 513 | |
Do | Jan. 26 | Transmitting documents showing the latest aspeet of affairs in Mexico. | 515 | |
Do | Jan. 29 | Transfer of the constitutional government of Mexico from Chihuahua to Durango. | 520 | |
Do | Jan. 30 | Case of the “Mary Bertrand.” | 521 | |
Do | Jan. 31 | Rumored execution of Consul Carman at Mazatlan and subsequent bombardment of that city by a United States gunboat. | 523 | |
Do | Feb. 1 | Same subject | 523 | |
Do | Feb. 5 | Transmitting an account of the proceedings of the council called by Maximilian. | 524 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. | Feb. 5 | Change of the channel of the Rio Grande on the boundary between the United States and Mexico. | 526 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 6 | Same subject | 529 | |
1867. | ||||
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 10 | Proposal of the Mexican government in 1864 to close the port of Matamoros to foreign commerce. | 530 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. | Mar. 1 | Same subject | 531 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 16 | Transmitting a collection of documents upon the affairs of Mexico. | 531 | |
Do | Mar. 23 | Transmitting copy of the official report of General Escobedo of his victory at San Jacinto. | 537 | |
Do | Mar. 27 | Enlistment of men in Cuba for the army of Prince Maximilian. | 540 | |
Do | Mar. 28 | Transmitting General Corona’s official report of the capture of Colima. | 540 | |
Memorandum | Mar. 28 | Forced loans in Mexico | 544 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. | April 4 | Transmitting copy of a letter from General Cuesta, asking assistance from General Sherman for the defence of Tampico. | 545 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | April 4 | Same subject | 546 | |
Do | April 13 | Enlistments in Cuba for the army of Maximilian. | 546 | |
Mr. Diaz to Mr. Romero. | April 30 | Capture of Queretaro. Death of Miramon. Defeat of Marquez. Flight of Maximilian. | 550 | |
Memorandum | May 20 | Relative to the execution of imperial prisoners in Mexico. | 550 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. | May 27 | Transmitting telegram from Mr. Plumb announcing the fall of Queretaro and capture of Maximilian and his generals. | 552 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | May 28 | Recent events in Mexico. Treatment of prisoners. | 552 | |
Do | May 29 | Conversation relative to solicitation in favor of Prince Maximilian. | 554 | |
Do | May 30 | Transmitting telegram from General Escobedo confirming the capture of Queretaro. | 554 | |
Do | June 4 | Transmitting copy of a letter to Mr. Hiram Barney. | 555 | |
Do | June 4 | Transmitting copy of a circular addressed by him to the governors of the Mexican States. | 556 | |
Memorandum | June 8 | Consultation as to the best route for Mr. Campbell to pursue to reach his post. | 557 | |
Memorandum | June 10 | Conversation as to the time of departure of Mrs. Juarez and Mr. Romero for Mexico. | 558 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. | June 11 | Circular to governors of Mexican States, accompanying collection of documents on Mexican affairs. | 558 | |
Do | June 14 | Transmitting copy of telegram from United States sonsul at Vera Cruz announcing the arrival of General Santa Anna. | 558 | |
Mr. RomerotoMr. Seward. | June 14 | Transmitting copy of a letter from General Diaz relative to military operations in the city of Mexico. | 559 | |
Do | June 15 | Transmitting copy of a letter from Paris relative to United States intervention in Mexico. | 559 | |
Memorandum | June 15 | Same subject | 560 | |
Mrs. Juarez to Mr. Seward. | June 17 | Conveying her thanks for Mr. Seward’s offer of a steamer to convey her to Mexico. | 560 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward.. | June 19 | Transmitting copy of a letter giving information relative to the trial of Prince Maximilian. | 561 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. | June 21 | Proposal of the Emperor of Austria to re-establish Prince Maximilian in his rights of succession upon his release by the Mexican authorities. | 561 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | June 21 | Same subject | 561 | |
Mr. P. W.Seward to Mr. Romero. | June 22 | Same subject | 562 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. F. W. Seward. | June 22 | Same subject | 562 | |
Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Romero. | June 24 | Transmitting copy of a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the passage of Mrs. Juarez to Mexico on the revenue cutter Wilderness. | 563 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | June 24 | Action of the council held at Vera Cruz on the arrival of General Santa Anna. | 563 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. F.W.Seward. | June 25 | Relative to Mrs. Juarez’s passage to Mexico | 566 | |
Do | June 26 | Same subject | 566 | |
Do | June 27 | Same subject | 567 | |
Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Romero. | June 27 | Same subject | 567 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | July 3 | Transmitting documents relative to persons captured at Queretaio. | 568 | |
Do | July 4 | Transmitting documents relative to the capture of General Santa Anna. | 577 | |
Do | July 7 | Transmitting documents respecting the persons captured at Queretaro. | 584 | |
Memorandum | July 8 | Relative to General Santa Anna | 592 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | July 12 | Trial of Prince Maximilian and his generals - | 593 | |
Do | July 12 | Discussions in the French legislative assembly relative to French intervention in Mexico. | 598 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. | July 13 | Relative to General Santa Anna | 613 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward | July 13 | Same subject | 620 | |
Memorandum | July 15 | Relative to the intentions of the Mexican government with regard to Mr. Dano. | 621 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | July 15 | Filibuster movements against mexico | 621 | |
Do | July 24 | Same subject | 622 | |
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Romero. | July 27 | Relative to constituting Libertad, in the State of Sonora, a port of entry. | 623 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Hunter. | July 27 | Same subject | 624 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | July 27 | Transmitting published copies of speeches upon Mexican affairs in the Parisian Corps Legislatif. | 624 | |
Do | Aug. 26 | Relative to the letter, attributed to General Escobedo, against foreigners in Mexico. | 655 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero | Aug. 29 | Intercession in favor of Prince Salm-Salm | 667 | |
Do | Aug. 29 | Relative to the case of Mr. Eloin, secretary of Prince Maximilian. | 667 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward | Aug. 30 | Transmitting copy of a letter from Mexico relative to recent events there. | 668 | |
Do | Aug. 31 | Relative to Mr. Eloin | 672 | |
Do | Sept. 8 | Relative to General Santa Anna | 673 | |
1867. | ||||
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 9 | Commutation of the sentence of Prince Salm-Salm. | 677 | |
Do | Sept. 14 | Transmitting copy of the speech of General Bazaine. | 677 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. | Sept. 14 | Case of Prince Salm-Salm | 678 | |
Do | Sept. 20 | Relative to the conveyance of the remains of Prince Maximilian to Europe. | 679 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 1 | Same subject | 679 | |
Do | Oct. 4 | Announcing his departure for Mexico | 683 | |
Mr Seward to Mr. Romero. | Oct. 5 | Same subject. Recognizing Mr. Ignacio Mariscal as chargé d’affaires ad interim. | 683 | |
Do | Oct. 7 | Intimating that the revenue cutter Wilderness will be at his disposal to convey him to Mexico. | 684 | |
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 7 | Same Subject | 684 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1866. | ||||
123 | Mr. Dickinson to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 20 | Filibustering expeditions organized in the United States against Nicaragua. | 686 |
1867. | ||||
124 | do | Jan. 8 | Unsuccessful attempt at revolution | 686 |
128bis | do | Mar. 6 | False rumor of disturbances on the transit route. | 687 |
130 | do | Mar. 20 | Coolie trade. Inauguration of Señor Guzman as President. | 688 |
132 | do | May 8 |
Cholera. Political affairs |
690 |
135 | do | June 24 | Difficulty with English residents on the Mosquito coast. | 690 |
93 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Dickinson. | Aug. 13 |
Same subject |
694 |
142 | Mr. Dickinson to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 22 |
The Mosquito question |
695 |
98 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Dickinson. | Nov. 23 |
Same subject |
704 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1866. | ||||
59 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Washburn. | Dec. 15 | Instructions as to non-interference | 705 |
76 | Mr. Washburn to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 25 | Illness of President Lopez. The Paraguayan war. Military situation. | 705 |
77 | do | Dec. 30 | Transmitting copy of a correspondence with the minister of foreign affairs on his return from Asuncion. | 707 |
1867. | ||||
79 | do | Jan. 5 | Asking instructions relative to American seamen captured on war vessels of the Argentine republic. | 710 |
81 | do | Mar. 11 | Mediation of the United States. Apprehensions of personal restraint. | 711 |
82 |
Mr. Washburn to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 12 | Interview with the Marquis de Caxias. Action of Admiral Godon. | 714 |
83 | do | Mar. 24 | Particulars of his detention at Corrientes | 715 |
84 | do | Mar. 25 | Mediation of the United States in the Paraguayan war. | 716 |
85 | do | Mar. 26 | Proposed departure of Señor Bareiro as Paraguayan representative to the United States. Transmitting copy of a letter from the foreign minister relative to the initiation of the Paraguayan war. | 721 |
65 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Washburn. | May 20 | American citizens prisoners in Paraguay.... | 726 |
66 | do | May 20 | Mediation. Complaints against Admiral Godon. His proposed resignation. | 726 |
68 | do | May 27 | Relative to the proceedings of Admiral Godon. | 727 |
69 | do | May 27 |
Mediation in the Paraguayan war |
727 |
87 | Mr. Washburn to Mr. Seward. | July 6 |
Military situation |
728 |
90 | do | Aug. 31 | Moyements of the allies | 729 |
91 | do | Sept. 27 | Mediation in the Paraguayan war attempted by Great Britain. | 730 |
73 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Washburn. | Nov. 24 | The situation and prospects of peace | 733 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1866. | ||||
36 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. | Dec. 20 | Offer of mediation by the United States in the Spanish-American war. | 734 |
1867. | ||||
50 | Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 14 | Same subject | 735 |
53 | do | Jan. 28 | Conference of the foreign representatives on the subject of diplomatic asylum. | 736 |
56 | do | Feb. 14 | Same subject | 739 |
57 | do | Feb. 22 | Transmitting copy of the message of the provisional president to congress. | 745 |
58 | do | Feb. 22 | Transmitting copy of the report of the secretary of foreign relations of Peru. | 746 |
42 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. | Feb. 25 | 763 | |
43 | do | Feb. 28 | Transmitting copy of circular relative to the coolie trade. | 764 |
44 | do | Mar. 8 | Transmitting copy of a despatch to the United States minister at Madrid relative to mediation in the Spanish-American war. | 764 |
45 | do | Mar. 9 |
The question of diplomatic asylum. |
766 |
65 | Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. | April 28 | Outline of recent events in Peru. Resignation of the cabinet. | 765 |
66 | do | May 14 |
Mediation |
766 |
67 | do | May 21 | Information of revolutionary movements in the south. | 767 |
68 | do | May 28 | Actions of the congress relative to continuing the war, and refusal to entertain proposals of mediation. | 767 |
71 | do | June 14 | Death of Castilla. Suppression of the rebellion. | 768 |
74 | do | June 22 | Transmitting copy of a law relative to the question of peace with Spain. | 769 |
77 | do | June 28 | Transmitting copy of a law of Congress relative to the late Marshal Castilla. | 771 |
1867. | ||||
78 | Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. | July 14 | Transmitting copy of a law continuing the the war with Spain. | 771 |
80 | do | July 14 |
Question of diplomatic asylum |
773 |
82 | do | July 16 | Relative to diplomatic uniform and titles | 773 |
59 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. | Aug. 14 |
Same subject |
774 |
83 | Mr. Hovey to Mr Seward. | Aug. 21 | Relative to the current of public feeling at Santiago on his recent visit there. | 775 |
86 | do | Sept. 14 | Transmitting a copy of the new constitution of Peru. | 776 |
89 | do | Sept. 22 | Reception of the diplomatic body by the president of Peru. | 776 |
90 | do | Sept. 22 | Outbreak at Arequipa on the occasion of the reading of the new constitution. | 777 |
91 | do | Sept. 28 | Renewal of the outbreak at Arequipa | 777 |
93 | do | Oct. 14 | Same subject | 778 |
96 | do | Oct. 22 | Revolt of the military at Trujillo | 778 |
98 | do | Oct. 28 | Same subject | 778 |
68 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Hovey. | Nov. 8 | The recent outbreaks. Relations between Peru and Chili. | 779 |
100 | Mr. Hovey to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 14 | Additional outbreaks. Probable action near Arequipa. | 779 |
1866. | ||||
Mr. Barreda to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 13 | Foreign mediation in the Spanish-American struggle. | 779 | |
1867. | ||||
Señor Garcia to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 26 | Relative to the Spanish-American war | 785 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Garcia. | Dec. 4 | 786 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1867. | ||||
5 | Mr. Williams to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 22 | His official reception by the President | 787 |
6 | do | Jan. 26 | Transmitting extracts from the President’s message. Internal resources. | 788 |
7 | do | Feb. 2 | The President’s message | 790 |
9 | do | Feb. 20 | Political affaris | 790 |
10 | do | Mar. 7 | Dissolution of the legislative chambers | 791 |
29 | do | Sept. 22 | Celebration of the national holiday. Resources | 791 |
34 | do | Nov. 6 | Information relative to the exports and imports at San Salvador. | 793 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1867. | ||||
28 | Mr. Wilson to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 31 | Political and financial condition of the country. | 795 |
33 | do | Mar. 4 | Case of Captain Hammer and two other United States citizens killed at Apurito, in Venezuela. | 797 |
36 | do | Mar. 20 | Arrival of President Falcon and organization of his cabinet. | 807 |
37 | Mr. Wilson to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 21 | Organization of the Venezuelan congress. Reception of the message of the executive. | 808 |
16 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Wilson. | April 6 | Claims on account of American citizens killed on board of the steamer Asuncion in 1865. | 812 |
46 | Mr. Wilson to Mr. Seward. | June 1 | Same subject | 813 |
49 | do | June 7 | Closing of the Venezuelan congress. New tariff. New civil code. Mining operations. | 813 |
51 | do | June 20 | Celebration of the national holiday. Reception of the diplomatic body. | 814 |
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1866. | ||||
288 | Mr. Burton to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 9 | Resignation of President Mosquera not accepted. | 816 |
General Salgar to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 22 | Case of the killing of George Holmes by a seaman of the James Adger. | 818 | |
Mr. Seward to General Salgar. | Dec. 29 | 819 | ||
1867. | ||||
Do | Feb. 13 | Adjudication of maritime the ports of Colombia. | 820 | |
General Salgar to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 22 | Same subject | 821 | |
Do | April 17 | Transmitting published accounts of the state of affairs at Bogota. | 821 | |
Do | April 27 | Exploration of the isthmus of Darien. Opening of the interoceanic canal. | 823 | |
Mr. Seward to General Salgar. | May 10 | Proceedings of the executive and legislative branches of the Colombian government. | 828 | |
Señor Martin to Mr. Seward. | May 23 | Transmitting letter from the President of the United States of Colombia to President Johnson, announcing his occupation of the presidential chair. | 828 |