Swiss Federal Council
The Swiss Federal Council to the Swiss consulate general in Washington.
[No. 57.]
Mr. Consul General: Through the public journals the but too certain intelligence reaches us of the terrible deed which deprives the Union of two of her noblest and purest citizens and statesmen.
A thrill of horror and deep indignation over this consummation of infuriated passion and fanaticism pervades the entire civilized world, and more particularly Switzerland, considering herself united by the most cordial and nearest ties to her great sister republic.
We invite you, therefore, to express to the present President of the United States, in the name of the Swiss Federal Council, our most sincere and heartfelt condolence. You will please assure the President of the renewed and sincere sympathies which free Switzerland, with kindred institutions, entertains for the efforts of the American government in the cause of truth and humanity. These sympathies have received new impulse by the last terrible calamity which has befallen the people of the United States.
You will, finally, not fail to express our sincere hope that the American Union, [Page 553] reunited in love and conciliation, now mightier than ever, will, with renewed energy, strive to accomplish the great destiny which Providence has assigned her, and thus present to the world herself as the grandest monument reared in commemoration of the great dead.
Accept the assurances of our distinguished consideration, in the name of the Swiss Federal Council.
- The President, SCHENK.
- The Chancellor of the Confederation, SCHIESS.