Members of Associations of Commerce and Industry


Mr. President: We, the undersigned, members of associations of the several branches of commerce and industry in the contiguous cities of Bielitz and Biala, in the interior of the Austrian dominions, who have always followed with the liveliest interest and the sincerest sympathy all the events that affected the country and the people of the United States, take the liberty to beg of you, Mr. President, to receive the expression of our most heartfelt sympathy for the terrible loss the Union has sustained in the death of President Lincoln. Amidst our rejoicings over the triumph of the Union we received the intelligence of this great calamity.

Sorrow and deep affliction followed our exultation, and the deepest abhorrence for the terrible crimes to which this great and wise man fell a sacrifice and which brought his faithful co-laborer in the difficult undertaking, the Secretary of State, Mr. Seward, to the brink of the grave, fills every heart.

With terrible violence the noble leader was deprived of the happiness to enjoy with his self-sacrificing and devoted people, after the most tremendous struggle, the fruits of a long hoped for peace.

May the final complete victory of the good cause and the great work of re-establishing the Union to its former greatness be reserved for you, Mr. President.

That reverence for law and justice, as well as love for liberty, which the people of the United States have ever manifested during this great war, will support you.

With feelings of the inmost sympathy we beg to assure you of our most distinguished consideration.

, and 26 others.

Hon. Andrew Johnson,
President United States, North America.