Consul General of the Netherlands
Bogota, June 21, 1865.
Sir: I have had the honor to receive your excellency’s note under date of yesterday, informing me of the death of his Excellency President Abraham Lincoln, and desiring me to display on this day the flag of my country as a mark of honor to the illustrious dead.
Your excellency well knows how strong the mutual and friendly feeling is which exists between our native countries, and I believe I can assure your excellency that the death of his Excellency President Abraham Lincoln has awakened the deepest sympathy in the hearts of all Netherlanders.
According to your excellency’s request the flag of my country is displayed.
Hoping that the never-to-be-sufficiently-lamented death of the chief of your excellency’s government may be no obstacle to the speedy restoration of the United States to their former prosperity, I desire your excellency to accept the sentiments of my perfect esteem and consideration.
His Excellency Mr. Allan A. Burton,
Minister Resident of the United States of North