No. 1

Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward

Sir: I had the honor to receive your despatch No. 10, of the 17th ultimo.

Enclosed you will please find the translated copy of a note, No. 1, received by me from Count Manderstrom, of the 27th ultimo, as well as a copy of my reply, No. 2, relating to an international exhibition to be held at Bergen, Norway, next summer.

This exhibition, to which the Foreign Office calls my “special attention,” will embrace fish of all kinds, from the whale to the minnow; fishing tackle; products and preservatives of fish; models of ships, boats, barrels, boxes, &c., &c.

This subject cannot fail to prove interesting to the fishing and trading communities of New England, and I trust the enterprise and ingenuity of my countrymen will contribute to the attraction of the occasion.

It is desired by those having the matter in charge that public attention in the United States may be called to their enterprise. I enclose copies of the programme, with a translation of the same.

I have the honor to be, with great respect, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.

No 1.


Count Manderstrom to Mr. Campbell

Sir: I have the honor to call your special attention to the international exhibition of the products of fish and fishing tackle, as well as other objects employed in fishing, which will take place at Bergen, Norway, from the 1st of August to the 16th of September, 1865; an exhibition of which I have the honor to transmit you herewith the programme.

Be pleased to accept, sir, the assurance of my most distinguished consideration.


Mr. Campbell, Minister Resident of the United States of America, &c., &c., &c.

No. 2

Mr. Campbell to Count Manderstrom

Sir: I have the honor to receive the note of your excellency of the 27th ultimo, calling my attention to an international exhibition to be held at Bergen, Norway, in the course of next summer, relating to fish and fisheries.

The branches of industry embraced within the purview of the programme you did me the honor to enclose have added much to the wealth and prosperity of the New England States of my own country, as well as to the United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway.

The exhibition cannot fail to be of importance and interest to the peoples of both countries, and I shall take pleasure in calling the especial attention of my government to a purpose so interesting.

This occasion is embraced by me, sir, to present the assurance of my most distinguished consideration.


His Excellency Count Manderstrom, Minister of State and of Foreign Affairs, &c., &c., &c.