Papers relating to foreign affairs.


[Page IV]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
78 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. Oct. 23 European affairs 1
79 do Oct. 31 Resignation of Count Rechberg as minister of foreign affairs. 4
82 do Nov. 8 Alleged scheme for the shipment of Polish soldiers for the rebel armies. 4
86 do Dec. 12 Funeral obsequies of Count Giorgi at New York. 4
87 do Feb. 13 German and American affairs 5
88 do Feb. 26 Effect in Europe of the peace conference at Hampton Roads. 8
129 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. Mar. 13 Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 87. 10
89 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. April 2 Debate in the Reichsrath on financial questions. 10
92 do April 9 Illiberal policy of the maritime powers of Eu rope towards the United States. Friendly attitude of the Austrian government. 16
93 do April 9 The military situation 17
95 do April 16 The same subject 17
140 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Motley. April 22 Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 89. 18
100 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. April 24 Evacuation of Richmond. Congratulations of the government and press. 18
101 do April 30 Reception of the news of the assassination of the President and the attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 20
102 do April 30 Tributes of respect to the memory of President Lincoln. 22
103 Mr. Motley to Mr. Hunter. May 8 The military situation 24
105 do May 8 Assassination of President Lincoln 25
106 do May 8 The same subject 25
144 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Motley. May 16 Receipt of despatches 26
107 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. June 5 Proclamation relative to insurgent cruisers 26
108 Mr. Motley to Mr. Hunter. June 5 German and Mexican affairs 26
148 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. June 13 Receipt of despatches 27
111 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. June 27 Financial condition of Austria 28
112 Mr. Motley to Mr. Hunter. June 28 Ministerial crisis 32
115 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. July 10 Relative to instructions to the admiral of the United States squadron in European waters. 33
118 do July 24 Formation of the new ministry 33
120 do July 31 Closing of the Reichsrath. Speech of the Emperor. List of members of the new ministry. 34
122 do Aug. 8 Schleswig-Holstein question 36
153 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. Aug. 14 Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 118. 37
125 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. Aug. 22 Schleswig-Holstein question 38
154 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. Aug. 30 Financial condition of Austria as compared with that of the United States. 38
128 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. Oct. 8 Transmitting an imperial manifesto and patent. 39


[Page V] [Page VI]
No. From whom and to whom Date Subject Page.
80 Mr. Judd to Mr. Seward. Jan. 12 Annual message of the President. Comments of the press. 42
81 do Jan. 16 Opening of the legislative body. Address of the King. 43
85 Mr. Seward to Mr. Judd. Feb. 1 Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 80. 47
85 Mr. Judd to Mr. Seward. Feb. 24 Schleswig-Holstein question 47
87 Do Mar. 13 Conflict between the House of Deputies and the King. 48
92 do April 18 Effect of the news of military successes in the United States. 48
93 do April 27 Reception of the news of the assassination of the President and the attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 49
94 Do April 28 Honors to the memory of President Lincoln. 50
95 do April 29 The same subject 51
96 do May 1 The same subject 52
97 do May 2 The same subject 52
98 do May 2 The same subject 55
99 Mr. Judd to Mr. Hunter. May 4 The same subject 55
100 do May 8 The same subject 56
101 do May 28 The same subject 57
105 do June 2 Schleswig-Holstein question. Conflict between the House of Deputies and the King. Effect in Germany of the military successes in the United States. 57
91 Mr. Seward to Mr. Judd. June 13 Receipt of despatches 59
109 Mr. Judd to Mr. Seward. July 3 Affairs in the United States. Demand in Germany for United States bonds. 59
2 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wright. July 18 Relative to the shipment of two sentenced criminals to the United States from Prussia. 60
115 Mr. Judd to Mr. Seward. Aug. 9 Impressment of naturalized American citizens into the armies of Prussia and other German States. 60
1 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. Sept 7 His presentation at the court of Berlin. Impressment of naturalized American citizens into the armies of Prussia and other German States. 61
6 do Oct. 25 Impressment of naturalized American citizens into the armies of Prussia and other German States. 63
7 Mr. Wright to Mr. Seward. Nov. 8 The same subject 65
8 do Nov. 15 The same subject 66
13 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wright. Nov. 30 Relative to the shipment of two sentenced criminals to the United States from Prussia. 68
15 do Dec. 2 Impressment of naturalized American citizens into the armies of Prussia and other German States. 68


[Page VII] [Page VIII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
150 Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford Oct. 15 Alleged scheme for the shipment of Polish soldiers for the rebel armies. 70
155 do Dec. 21 Opinion of the European press on the presidential election. 70
234 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. Dec. 29 Effect in Europe of the annual message of the President. 71
158 Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford. Jan. 16 The same subject 71
159 do Jan. 20 Address of the Free Speech Society of Antwerp on the re-election of Mr. Lincoln. 71
236 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. Feb. 1 Presentation of M. de Balan as Prussian minister at Brussels. Shipment of a detachment of the Belgo-Mexican Legion for Vera Cruz. 72
237 do Feb. 2 Statement of the foreign commerce and trade of Belgium for the year 1864. 72
239 do Feb. 6 Debate in the Belgian House of Representatives on military affairs. 73
241 do Feb. 20 Acknowledgment of the receipt of instruction No. 159. 73
246 do Mar. 13 Recruitment in Belgium for the so-called Mexican empire. 74
247 do Mar. 14 Convention for improving the condition of soldiers wounded in battle. 75
248 do Mar. 16 Effect in Europe of the peace conference at Hampton Roads. 75
250 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. Mar. 20 Important reform in the administrative system of Belgium. 76
165 Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford. Mar. 25 Case of the Stonewall 77
166 do April 4 Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 248. 77
167 Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Sanford. April 8 Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 250. 77
252 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. April 12 Recruitment in Belgium for the so-called Mexican empire. 78
254 do April 24 Serious indisposition of the King of Belgium. 78
255 do April 24 Reception of the news of the fall of Richmond. 79
257 do April 28 Reception of the news of the assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 81
258 do April 28 Continued indisposition of the King of Belgium. 82
261 do April 30 Honors to the memory of President Lincoln. 82
262 do May 1 The same subject 85
266 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Hunter. May 5 The same subject 86
267 do May 5 The same subject 87
269 do May 6 Proclamations closing certain ports in the United States, and also relating to reciprocal naval hospitalities. 87
270 do May 6 Assassination of President Lincoln 87
274 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. May 19 Departure of rebel emissaries from Brussels 88
277 do May 29 Loss of Belgian troops in Mexico 88
283 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Hunter. May 31 Assassination of President Lincoln 89
284 do May 31 Effect produced in Brussels by the loss of Belgian troops in Mexico. 89
289 do June 12 Neutrality of Belgium in the war between Brazil and Paraguay. 90
288 do June 13 Alleged compulsory enrolment in the United States of Belgian emigrants 91
293 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. June 24 Census of the population of Belgium 91
303 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. July 31 Courtesies extended to the United States steamer Niagara on her arrival in the Scheldt. 91
309 do Sept. 13 Cattle plague. Precautionary measures taken for its suppression. 92
311 do Sept. 30 Exposé of the systems of revenue, taxation, &c., in Belgium. 92
179 Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford. Oct. 2 Reception of despatches 97
313 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. Oct. 21 Statement of the foreign commerce and trade of Belgium. 97
315 do Oct. 30 Postal convention between Belgium and France. 97
183 Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford. Nov. 17 Acknowledgment of the above dispatch 98
318 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. Nov. 30 Friendly sentiments of Belgium towards the United States. 98


[Page IX] [Page X]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
157 Mr. Seward to Mr. Harvey. Dec 2. Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 301. 99
158 do Dec 5. Importance of a United States squadron in European waters, and of its frequent communication with our ministers. 99
308 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. Dec 23. The same subject 99
162 Mr. Seward to Mr. Harvey. Dec 27. Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 305. 101
312 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. Jan 8. The piratical cruiser Sea King or Shenandoah. 101
316 do Feb 5. The same subject. Anticipated depredations on American commerce by rebel cruisers in European waters. 102
317 do Feb 6. Reported appearance of the piratical cruisers Shenandoah and Stonewall in the ports of Corunna and Ferrol. 104
318 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. Feb. 9 The same subject. Movement of United States vessels-of-war. 105
319 do Feb. 11 The same subject 106
320 do Feb. 12 The same subject 107
322 do Feb. 19 The same subject 108
326 do Mar. 18 Case of the British steamer Amy 108
168 Mr. Seward to Mr. Harvey. Mar. 28 Receipt of despatches 109
327 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. Mar. 28 Arrival of the Stonewall at Lisbon. Movement of United States vessels-of-war. 109
328 do Mar. 31. The same subject. Improper conduct of the commandant of Belem Castle in firing upon the United States steamer Niagara. 113
331 do April 7 The same subject 116
170 Mr. Seward to Mr. Harvey. April 22 Receipt of despatches 119
335 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. April 28 Royal decree regarding the admission of cereals into the ports of Portugal. Its injurious effect upon the commerce of the United States. 119
336 do April 28 Receipt of the news of the assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 120
337 do May 8 Friendly action of Portugal towards the United States in not conceding belligerent rights to the insurgents. 121
338 do May 11 Honors to the memory of President Lincoln. 121
339 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Hunter. May 13 Honors paid to the remains of the late Duke Héritier by the Portuguese authorities. Co-operation of United States vessels. 126
340 do May 15 Ministerial affairs 127
341 Do May 16 Assassination of President Lincoln 128
342 do May 18 The same subject 129
344 Do June 5 Appreciation by the Russian government of honors paid to the late Duke Héritier by United States vessels. 130
172 Mr. Seward to Mr. Harvey. June 13 Receipt of despatches 130
346 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. June 16 Assassination of President Lincoln 130
348 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. July 5 Relative to instructions to the admiral of the United States squadron in European waters. 131
176 Mr. Seward to Mr. Harvey. July 24 Receipt of despatches 132
353 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. Aug. 8 Relative to hospitalities extended to insurgent cruisers in European waters. 132
357 do Sept. 6 Ministerial crisis 134
358 do Sept. 10 Proposed establishment of a coal depot at the Cape de Verd islands. 134
178 Mr. Seward to Mr. Harvey. Sept. 13 Relative to hospitalities extended to insurgent cruisers in European waters. 136
366 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. Nov. 21 Relative to the death of José Manuel, killed in an affray with American seamen. 136


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
109 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Seward. Nov. 22 Relative to the temporary establishment of a naval depot of the United States at Cagliari. 139
111 do Jan. 16 Removal of the court from Turin to Florence. Reception of the news of the re-election of President Lincoln. 140
125 Mr. Seward to Mr. Marsh. Feb. 7 Acknowledgment of the above despatch 141
114 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Seward. Feb. 13 Removal of the court from Turin to Florence. 142
117 do April 28 The same subject 142
118 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Hunter. April 29 Receipt of the news of the assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 143
119 do May 15 Assassination of the President. Rumored alliance for the maintenance of an imperial dynasty in Mexico. 144
121 do June 5 Mexican question 145
122 do June 10 Relative to the treatment of United States vessels-of-war in foreign ports. 146
123 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Seward. June 29 Proposed treaty of commerce and navigation between the United States and Italy. Mexican question. 148
135 Mr. Seward to Mr. Marsh. July 24 Acknowledgment of the above despatch 149
[Page XI]


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
29 Mr. King to Mr. Seward. Dec. 24 Reception of the news of the re-election of President Lincoln. 150
30 do Jan. 7 Official visit to the Pope and cardinal 150
31 do Jan. 14 Effect produced by the military successes in the United States. 151
24 Mr. Seward to Mr. King. Feb. 8 Acknowledgment of the above 152
32 Mr. King to Mr. Seward. Feb. 11 Tributes of respect to the memory of Edward Everett. Political affairs. 152
33 do Mar. 4 Reported cession by Maximilian of certain territory in Mexico to France. Rebel emissary at Rome. 153
34 do Mar. 11 Receipt of the news of the fall of Charleston. Rumored departure of the Pope from Rome. 154
35 do Mar. 25 Relative to the withdrawal of French troops from Rome. 154
36 do April 22 Receipt of the news of the fall of Richmond. Italian and Mexican affairs. 155
37 Mr. King to Mr. Hunter. April 29 Receipt of the news of the assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 156
38 do May 6 Honors to the memory of President Lincoln. Italian affairs. 157
39 do May 13 The same subject 158
40 Mr. King to Mr. Seward. May 24 Pending conference between the Pope and Victor Emanuel. Mexican question. 159
41 Mr. King to Mr. Hunter. June 2 Interview with the cardinal secretary of state on American affairs. 160
42 Mr. King to Mr. Seward. June 24 Anniversary of the election and coronation of the Pope. His views respecting affairs in the United States. 161
27 Mr. Seward to Mr. King. June 29 Receipt of despatches 162
43 Mr. King to Mr. Seward. July 4 Relative to instructions to the admiral of the United States squadron in European waters. 162
45 do Nov. 10 Ministerial crisis. Evacuation of French troops from the Papal territory. 163
46 do Nov. 18 Conversation with the Pope on American and European affairs. 164
[Page XII]


[Page XIII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
182 Mr. Wood to Mr. Seward. Feb. 6 Relative to the piratical cruiser Stoerkodder, alias the Stonewall. 166
183 do Feb. 14 The same subject 167
184 do Feb. 20 The same subject 168
103 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wood. Feb. 21 169
104 do Mar. 2 The same subject 169
105 do Mar. 3 The same subject 170
185 Mr. Wood to Mr. Seward. Mar. 3 The same subject 170
187 do Mar. 14 The same subject 171
188 do Mar. 22 Alleged insurgent scheme for the purchase of a vessel and enlistment of crew at Copenhagen. 174
107 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wood. Mar. 24 Piratical cruiser Stonewall 175
189 Mr. Wood to Mr. Seward. Mar. 29 The same subject 175
191 do April 14 Failure of insurgent scheme for the enlistment of men in the rebel service. 176
192 do April 15 The same subject. Piratical cruiser Stonewall. 177
193 do April 24 Action of the Danish authorities regarding the Stonewall. 177
194 do May 1 Receipt of the news of the assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 178
195 Mr. Wood to Mr. Hunter. May 8 Acknowledgment of the receipt of instructions. 178
197 do June 6 Relative to hospitalities extended to insurgent cruisers in European waters. 179
198 do June 13 The same subject 179
203 Mr. Wood to Mr. Seward. Sept. 18 Avowed animosity of the inhabitants of Schleswig to Prussia. 180
204 do Oct. 3 Relative to the removal of restrictions on trade in the insurrectionary States. Appointment of Mr. Yeaman to Copenhagen. 180
115 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wood. Nov. 4 Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 205. 180
209 Mr. Wood to Mr. Seward. Nov. 11 Relative to the American and Brazilian Steam Navigation Company. 181
211 do Nov. 18 Presentation of letter of recall 181
2. Mr. Yeaman to Mr. Seward. Nov. 20 Audience with the King. Presentation of letter of credence. 181


[Page XIV]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
2 Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. Sept. 20 Arrival at his post. Receipt of the news of the evacuation of Atlanta. 184
3 do Sept. 27 Audience with the King. Presentation of letter of credence. 185
4 do Oct. 3 Conference at Vienna on the Danish question. American affairs. 186
7 do Nov. 5 Acceptance by Baron Wetterstedt of the mission to the United States. Courtesies extended by the United States naval authorities to a Swedish officer. Celebration of the anniversary of the union of Sweden and Norway. 187
8 do Dec. 6 Effect of the result of the presidential election. 188
9 Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. Dec. 13 Civilities shown the United States steamer Wachusett by the authorities at St. Bartholomew. West Indies. 188
9 Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. Dec. 13 Mission of Baron Wetterstedt to Mexico 188
10 Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. Dec. 17 Receipt of despatches 190
10 Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. Jan. 3 Courtesies extended by the United States naval authorities to a Swedish officer. 190
11 do Jan. 9 Civilities shown the United States steamer Wachusett by the authorities of St. Bartholomew, West Indies. 191
11 Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. Jan. 10 Mission of Baron Wetterstedt to Mexico 191
12 Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. Jan. 12 192
13 Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. Feb. 13 The same subject 193
16 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Campbell. May 9 Schemes of rebel emissaries in Sweden 193
15 Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. April 8 International exhibition at Bergen. Relative to the purchase of a vessel by the insurgents at Copenhagen. 193
16 do April 25 Anticipated emigration from Sweden and Norway to the United States. 195
17 do April 30 Reception of the news of the assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 196
18 do May 3 Assassination of President Lincoln 200
19 do May 5 Anticipated emigration from Sweden and Norway to the United States. 200
20 do May 8 Relative to the closing of certain ports of entry of the United States. Exchange of reciprocal hospitalities between war vessels of the United States and those of foreign powers. 202
21 do May 8 Honors to the memory of President Lincoln. 202
22 do May 12 Relative to the closing of certain ports of the United States, and also to reciprocal naval hospitalities. 203
23 do June 13 Proclamation relative to insurgent cruisers. 203
25 do Sept. 14 Visit of the Russian squadron to Stockholm. 204
26 do Sept. 26 Proclamation removing restrictions on trade with the insurgent States. 204
20 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Campbell. Oct. 17 Acknowledgment of the above 205
28 Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward. Nov. 4 Opening of the Storthing. Address of the King. 205
31 do Nov. 15 The same subject 206


[Page XV]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
66 Mr. Seward to Mr. Feb. 8 Project relative to the formation of a Swiss navy. 210
76 Mr. Fogg to Mr. Seward. Nov. 26 Proposed convention for improving the condition of soldiers wounded in battle. 211
78 do Jan. 2 Inauguration of the President of the Swiss Confederation. 212
82 do Mar. 4 Project relative to the formation of a Swiss navy. 213
84 do April 14 Relative to the emigration to the United States of Polish refugees from Switzerland. 214
85 do April 18 Effect produced on receipt of the news of the capture of Richmond. 216
86 do April 24 Views of the press on the military successes in the United States. 217
87 Mr. Fogg to Mr. Hunter. May 3 Receipt of the news of the assassination of President Lincoln and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 219
88 do May 14 Honors paid to the memory of President Lincoln. 219
69 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Fogg. May 6 Relative to the emigration to the United States of Polish refugees from Switzerland. 221
91 Mr. Fogg to Mr. Hunter. May 30 Proclamation relative to insurgent cruisers 221
93 do June 20 Assassination of President Lincoln 221
2 Mr. Seward to Mr. Harrington. July 25 Instruction on presentation of letter of credence. 222
102 Mr. Fogg to Mr. Seward. Oct. 16 Retirement of Mr. Fogg, and presentation of his successor as minister resident. 222
3 Mr. Seward to Mr. Harrington. Nov. 1 Assassination of President Lincoln 225
3 do Nov. 17 Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 102. 226


[Page XVI] [Page XVII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
69 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. Dec. 6 Relative to the murder of two officers of the British army in Japan. 227
86 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. Dec. 14 Maintenance of the treaty rights of the United States in Japan. 229
71 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. Dec. 29 Execution of one of the murderers of the two British army officers. 229
72 do 1 Dec. 30 Internal political affairs of Japan 230
7 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. Jan. 21 Treaty provisions for the assignment of land to foreigners. 234
8 do Jan. 27 Insurrection of Japan 238
88 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pruyn. Feb. 9 Receipt of despatches 239
9 Mr. Pruyn to Mr. Seward. Feb. 13 Relative to the closing of the port of Kanagawa. 240
12 do March 16 Action of the Japanese government regarding the sale of raw silk and silkworms’ eggs. 240
16 do April 24 Japanese indemnity 246
21 do April 28 Monopoly of foreign trade by the Tycoon 248
27 Mr. Portman to Mr. Seward. May 16 Insurrection in Japan 249
32 do June 9 The same subject 250
33 do June 10 Relative to a grant of land for a coal depot at Yokohama for the use of the British, French, and American steamship companies. 250
35 do June 20 Assassination of President Lincoln. 251
36 do June 24 Memorandum signed by the representatives of the four powers regarding the opening of the Straits of Simonoseki to foreign trade. 252
40 do July 5 Honors paid to the memory of President Lincoln. 253
44 do July 24 Information desired as to the object of the visit of the Japanese embassy to Europe. 253
47 do Aug. 6 Action of the Japanese government with regard to foreign vessels engaged in illicit trade. 254
48 do Aug. 22 Japanese indemnity 256
1 Mr. Seward to Mr. Portman. Aug. 31 Receipt of despatches 258
2 do Sept. 4 Relative to a convention with Japan for the reduction of import duties, and also one for the payment of indemnities and expenses. 258
3 do Sept. 3 Honors to the memory of President Lincoln. 258
50 Mr. Portman to Mr. Seward. Sept. 5 Receipt of the first instalment of the Japanese indemnity. 259
52 do Sept. 13 Removal of restrictions at Kanagawa on the trade in silkworms’ eggs and cocoons. 259
54 Mr. Portman to Mr. Seward. Sept. 22 Abolition of restrictions on the trade in irico, awabi, and sharks’ fins. 262
61 do Oct. 20 Japanese domestic affairs 263
63 do Oct. 30 Measures taken for the arrest of the fugitive murderer of the two British officers. 264
64 do Oct. 30 Japanese indemnity 265
65 do Nov. 18 The same subject 268
7 Mr. Seward to Mr. Portman. Nov. 20 The same subject 275
66 Mr. Portman to Mr. Seward. Nov. 30 Sanction of the treaties by the Mikado. Reported assassination of Mr. Portman. 276


[Page XVIII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
100 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. Dec. 7 Effect of the re-election of Mr. Lincoln 277
104 do Feb. 15 Statement of the military and naval force of Turkey. 278
106 do Feb. 22 Improvement in the material of war in Turkey. Effect of military successes in the United States. 280
108 do Mar. 29 Question of religious tolerance in the Turkish empire. 280
110 do April 19 Charges against American missionaries. Receipt of the news of the fall of Richmond and Petersburg. 283
111 do May 1 Reception of the news of the assassination of President Lincoln and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 287
112 Mr. Morris to Mr. Hunter. May 3 Honors to the memory of President Lincoln. 288
Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. May 4 The same subject 290
114 Mr. Morris to Mr. Hunter. May 11 The same subject 290
115 do May 18 The same subject 293
116. do May 25 The same subject. Statement of a financial scheme of the Turkish government, 294
90 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Morris. June 27 Receipt of despatches 296
118 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. July 13 Friendly attitude of the Sultan regarding in-surgent cruisers. 297
119 do July 13 Appearance of the cholera at Constantinople. 298
120 do Continued ravages of the cholera. Adoption of sanitary measures. 298
121 do Aug. 14 The same subject 300
122 do Aug. 28 The same subject 300
124 do Sept. 4 The same subject 302
92 Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris. Sept. 5 Precautionary measures to prevent the intro-duction of the cholera into the United States. 303
125 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. Sept. 11 Decrease of the cholera. Destructive fire at Constantinople. 304
93 Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris Sept. 21 Employment of Egyptian soldiers for the French army in Mexico. 305
126 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. Sept. 21 Increase of the cholera 306
127 do Oct. 9 Transmitting a pamphlet on the treatment of Asiatic cholera. 306
130 do Oct. 29 Employment of Egyptian soldiers for the French army in Mexico. 309
99 Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris. Nov. 17 Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 129. 310
131 Mr. Morris to Mr. Seward. Nov. 22 Internal improvements in the Turkish empire. 311


[Page XIX]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
8 Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. Nov. 25 Observance of Thanksgiving, in accordance with the President’s proclamation. 313
10 do Dec. 22 Donation of money by the Sultan to the Protestant community. 313
20 do Mar. 4 Vessels constructed in England for the Pacha supposed to be intended for the use of the insurgents. 316
24 do April 19 Arrival of delegates of various chambers of commerce for the purpose of inspecting the works of the Suez canal. 318
25 Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. May 5 Honors paid to the memory of President Lincoln. 319
28 Mr. Hale to Mr. Hunter. May 13 The same subject 319
30 Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. June 3 The same subject 320
32 do June 14 Felicitations of the Pacha at the successful termination of the rebellion in the United States. Egyptian navy. Effect produced in Egypt on the result of the war. Financial crisis. Charitable measures of relief adopted by the Pacha. 320
33 do June 19 Cholera at Alexandria 321
34 do June 27 The same subject 322
9 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Hale. June 29 Receipt of despatches 322
35 Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. June 29 Discoveries made in the exploration of the Nile. 323
37 do July 7 Cholera in Egypt 323
38 do July 19 The same subject 324
10 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hale. July 24 Receipt of despatches 327
39 Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. Aug. 7 Cholera in Egypt 327
41 do Aug. 26 Employment of Egyptian soldiers for the French army in Mexico. 328
12 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hale. Sept. 4 Cholera in Egypt 330
13 do Sept. 21 Employment of Egyptian soldiers for the French army in Mexico. 330
44 Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. Oct. 27 The same subject 330
45 do Nov. 13 The same subject 332
46 do Nov. 18 The same subject 332
16 Mr. Seward to Mr. Hale. Nov. 27 The same subject 337
48 Mr. Hale to Mr. Seward. Nov. 27 The same subject 338
[Page XX]


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
58 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. Dec. 7 Relative to the abolishment of Tunisian slavery. 339
60 do Dec. 17 Method of collecting revenue in Tunis. Insurrection. 343
66 do Mar. 18 Annual receipt by the Bey 343
68 do April 29 Receipt of the news of the fall of Richmond and of the assassination of President Lincoln. 344
70 Mr. Perry to Mr. Hunter. May 13 Honors paid to the memory of President Lincoln. 344
71 do June 17 Tunisian affairs. Presents from the Bey to the President. Anticipated visit of an embassy to the United States. 345
72 do June 24 Formal announcement of the appointment of an embassy to the United States. 346
14 Mr. Seward to Mr. Perry. July 27 The same subject 346
75 Mr. Perry to Mr. Seward. July 29 Ceremony of investing the Bey with the Order of the Bath. Delay attending the departure of the embassy. 347
77 do Aug. 30 Formation and departure of the embassy to America. 347
78 do Sept. 13 Arrival of the embassy at Paris 348
79 do Oct. 3 Enclosing letters from the Bey addressed to the President, Secretary of State, and to Mrs. Lincoln. 348


[Page XXI]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
14 Mr. Hunter to Mr. McMath. Nov. 7 Erection of a new light-house at Cape Spartel. 350
25 Mr. McMath to Mr. Seward. July 8 The same subject 351
26 Mr. McMath to Mr. Hunter. May 4 Receipt of the news of the assassination of the President and attempted assassination of the Secretary of State. 351
27 Mr. McMath to Mr. Hunter. May 15 Difficulty between the Moorish authorities and the resident Jews. 352
31 Mr. McMath to Mr. Seward. Oct. 7 Measures adopted to prevent the introduction of the cholera. 355


[Page XXII] [Page XXIII] [Page XXIV] [Page XXV] [Page XXVI] [Page XXVII] [Page XXVIII] [Page XXIX] [Page XXX] [Page XXXI] [Page XXXII] [Page XXXIII] [Page XXXIV] [Page XXXV] [Page XXXVI] [Page XXXVII] [Page XXXVIII] [Page XXXIX] [Page XL] [Page XLI] [Page XLII] [Page XLIII]
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
442 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Mar. 25 Completion of the loan to Maximilian as emperor of Mexico. 356
525 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. April 7 Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 4th of April declaring its opposition to a monarchy in Mexico. 356
728 do Dec. 20 Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 7th of April regarding Mexico. 359
1 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Dec. 21 Relative to a proclamation of Maximilian affecting the British settlement in Honduras. Political affairs in Mexico and the West Indies. 359
8 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Jan. 20 Relations between France and the United States. Cession of Sonora to France by Maximilian. 361
33 Mr. Seward to. Mr. Bigelow. Feb. 7 The same subject. Project of the insurgents to involve the United States in a war with France and England. 363
38 do Feb. 7 Arrest of fugitive insurgents from Texas by General Mejia. 363
25 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Feb. 9 Cession of Sonora, Chihuahua, &c., to France by Maximilian. 364
29 do Feb. 14 Movements of the Niagara. The Stonewall at Ferrol. Letter from a rebel emissary upon the subject of her departure. Sympathies of Franco with the insurgents growing out of the Mexican question. 364
35 do Feb. 17 Opening of the Corps Legislatif. Emperor’s speech; its tranquillizing tone. Italian and Mexican affairs. 365
36 do Feb. 17 Enlistment of Poles for the insurgent service. 366
48 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Feb. 21 Case of the steamer Ark, captured by insurgents in Mexican waters. 368
49 Do Feb. 21 Delivery of insurgent deserters from Texas by General Mejia. 371
44 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Mar. 6 Commissioners despatched from Mexico to Rome. 374
62 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Mar. 7 Cession of Sonora, Chihuahua, &c., by Maximilian to France. 375
50 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Mar. 10 Case of the steamer Ark 375
65 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Mar. 10 Enlistment of Poles for the insurgent service. 376
52 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Mar. 10.

Circular of Maximilian regarding consuls in


68 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Mar. 13 Acknowledgment of the receipt of despatch No. 35. 377
70 do Mar. 13

Circular of Maximilian regarding consuls in


55 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Mar. 14 Opinions of the press and people of France respecting affairs in the United States and Mexico. 380
59 do Mar. 17 Delivery of refugees from the rebel army by General Mejia. 386
71 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Mar. 17 The political intervention in Mexico the cause of the embarrassing relations between France and the United States. 387
77 do Mar. 23 Acknowledging the receipt of despatch No. 44. 387
86 do Mar. 27 The same, No. 52 388
89 do Mar. 27 The same, No. 50 388
94 do Mar. 28 Sentiments of the United States regarding Mexico. 388
66 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Mar. 28 Case of the William L. Richardson 389
102 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. April 4 Acknowledging the receipt of despatch No. 59. 389
79 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. April 18 Seizure of United States mails at Acapulco by the French authorities. 390
107 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. May 26 Dissatisfaction evinced in Europe with the proceedings of the United States government. Reward for Jefferson Davis. Reported emigration of discharged soldiers to Mexico. Trial of the conspirators. Mr. Fould’s comments upon Mexican affairs. 391
167 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. June 12 The same subject 393
117 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. June 13 Statement in the Corps Legislatif to the effect that the United States are in favor of a monarchical government in Mexico. 394
Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. June 17 Surrender of arms, munitions, &c., by the insurgents to General Mejia at Matamoras. 396
120 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. June. 21 Explanations made by Mr. Drouyn d’Lhuys regarding the statement in the Corps Legislatif as to the attitude of the United States towards Mexico. 396
184 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. June 26 Acknowledging the receipt of despatch No. 117. 397
133 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. June 29 Transfer of arms, munitions, &c., by the insurgents to General Mejia at Matamoras. 397
134 Do June 30 Case of the steamer Ark 398
187 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. June 30 Attitude of the United States towards Mexico 398
136 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. July 6 Case of the steamer Ark. Surrender of insurgent fugitives from Texas by General Mejia. 399
192 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. July 6 Transfer of arms, munitions, &c., by the insurgents to General Mejia. 400
194 do July 10 The same subject 401
140 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. July 11 The same subject 402
145 Do July 14 Relative to the withdrawal of belligerent rights by France. Opinion respecting the attitude of the United States towards France. 403
200 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. July 17 Case of the steamer Ark 404
201 do July 17 Acknowledging the receipt of despatch No. 133. 404
205 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. July 22 Alleged scheme of the insurgents for the annexation of Texas to Mexico. 404
206 do July 24 Alleged enlistment of Italian troops for the French army in Mexico. 407
207 do July 25 Receipt of despatch No. 136 408
213 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. July 28 Case of the steamer Ark 408
214 do July 28 Transfer of arms, munitions, &c., by the insurgents to General Mejia. 408
215 do July 31 Alleged co-operation of the insurgent commanders in Texas with the French commander in Mexico for the prevention of the recovery of Matamoras from the imperialists. 409
216 do July 31 Receipt of despatch No. 145 409
154 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Aug. 5 Transfer of arms, munitions, &c., by the insurgents to General Mejia. 409
234 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Aug. 25 The same subject 411
166 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Aug. 31 Attitude of the United States towards Mexico. 411
259 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Sept. 6 French intervention in Mexico. Views of the United States. 412
263 do Sept. 13 Case of the steamer Sonora 414
264 do Sept. 20 Enlistment of native Egyptians for the French army in Mexico. 415
177 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Sept. 21 The same subject 416
269 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Sept. 25 Schemes of Dr. Gwin with regard to Mexico. 417
270 do Sept. 25 Receipt of despatch No. 166 417
274 do Sept. 25 Receipt of despatch No. 120 418
181 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Oct. 6 Comments of the French press on American affairs. 418
283 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. Oct. 9 Receipt of despatch No. 177 419
285 do Oct. 13 Transfer of arms, munitions, &c., by the insurgents to General Mejia. 419
186 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Oct. 18 Enlistment of Egyptian troops for the French army in Mexico. 420
293 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Oct. 30 Receipt of despatch No. 180 421
300 Mr. Seward to Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Nov. 6 French intervention in Mexico. Views of the United States. 421
309 do Nov. 14 Enlistment of Egyptian troops for the French army in Mexico. 422
114 Mr. Montagnie to Mr. Seward. Nov. 16 Departure of French troops from St. Nazaire to Vera Cruz. 423
199 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Nov. 21 Defence of the French occupation of Mexico, by Lamartine. 423
316 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Nov. 23 Unfriendly action of the French authorities and press at Matamoras towards the United States. 425
201 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Nov. 24 Enlistment of Egyptian troops for the French army in Mexico. 425
202 Do Nov. 24 The same subject 426
203 do Nov. 24 French intervention in Mexico 427
209 do Nov. 30 The same subject 427
153 Mr. Minor to Mr. Seward. Dec. 9 Arrival and departure at Havana of French troops for Mexico. 427
327 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Dec. 12 Proposition for the withdrawal of French troops from Mexico. 428
328 do Dec. 14 The same subject 428
329 do Dec. 14 The same subject 428
330 do Dec. 14 Receipt of despatch No. 201 429
332 do Dec. 16 French intervention in Mexico 429
333 do Dec. 16 Defence of the French occupation of Mexico, by Lamartine. 430
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. Jan. 12 Alleged movement of Mexicans in the United States in favor of President Juarez. 430
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. Jan. 18 Relative to the construction of vessels in the United States to cruise under letters of marque issued by President Juarez. 430
Do Jan. 21 Alleged movement of Mexicans in the United States in favor of President Juarez. 431
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. Feb. 4 The same subject 431
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. Feb. 7 The same subject 432
Do Feb. 11 Relative to the construction of vessels in the United States to cruise under letters of marque issued by President Juarez. 432
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Hunter. May 5 Alleged organization in the United States of an expedition to Mexico. 433
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Geofroy. May 6 The same subject 434
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Hunter. May 6 The same subject 434
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Geofroy. May 10 The same subject 435
Do May 11 The same subject 435
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Hunter. May 16 The same subject 436
Mr. Seward to the Marquis de Montholon. June 12 Transfer of arms, munitions, &c., by the insurgents to General Mejia. 436
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Seward. June 15 The same subject 437
Mr. Hunter to the Marquis de Montholon. June 22 The same subject 437
Mr. Seward to the Marquis de Montholon. July 5 The same subject, and also that of the steamer Lucy Given and her cargo. 437
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Seward. July 6 The same subject 438
Mr. Hunter to the Marquis de Montholon. July 31 Case of the steamer Sonora 439
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Hunter. Aug. 4 Restoration to the United States of the property delivered by the insurgents to General Mejia. 440
Mr. Seward to the Marquis de Montholon. Aug. 8 The same subject 440
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Hunter. Aug. 8 Case of the steamer Sonora 440
Mr. Seward to the Marquis de Montholon. Sept. 13 The same subject 441
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Seward. Oct. 19 Proceedings of General Cortinas at Brownsville in recruiting negroes and procuring supplies. Capture of the steamer Señorita. 443
Mr. Seward to the Marquis de Montholon. Oct. 31 The same subject 443
Do Nov. 10 The same subject 444
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Seward. Nov. 23 Case of the steamer Señorita 445
Do Nov. 29 Proposition for the withdrawal of French troops from Mexico. 449
Mr. Seward to the Marquis de Montholon. Dec. 4 Case of the steamer Senorita 450
Do Dec. 6 Relative to the withdrawal of French troops from Mexico. 450
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Seward. Dec. 9 The same subject 451
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Oct. 25

Transmitting the decree of Maximilian relative to the execution of prisoners of war in


14 Mr. Corwin to Mr. Seward. Oct. 28 Appointment of civil officers by Maximilian. Execution of Mexican officers by the imperialists. 460
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Nov. 20 Summary execution, under the decree of Maximilian, of Mexican officers. 461
297 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Nov. 3 The same subject 463
320 do Nov. 28 The same subject 463
209 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Nov. 30 464
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Dec. 10 The same subject 464
Mr. Romero to Mr. Hunter. Jan. 5 Transmitting a letter from General Ortega on the eve of his execution. 464
Do Jan. 22 Determination of Maximilian to execute the decree relating to prisoners of war. 465
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Feb. 20 Relative to the exchange of prisoners 469
Do Mar. 10 Military execution of Colonel Carlos Garcia Cano. 472
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Mar. 14 Relative to the execution of prisoners of war in Mexico. 473
13 Mr. Corwin to Mr. Seward. Sept. 10 Decrees of Maximilian for the establishment of peon slavery in Mexico. 473
18 Mr. Otterbourg to Mr. Seward. Sept. 29 Transmitting copies of the decrees 474
Mr. Seward to Mr. Speed. Oct. 2 Submitting Mr. Corwin’s despatch on peon slavery. Opinion requested thereon. 477
Mr. Speed to Mr. Seward. Oct. 21 Opinion on peon slavery in Mexico 477
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Oct. 5 Peon slavery in Mexico 479
296 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Nov. 2 The same subject 481
202 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Nov. 24 The same subject 482
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Dec. 10 The same subject 482
329 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Dec. 14 The same subject 483
243 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Jan. 16 The same subject 483
Mr. Arroyo to Mr. Corwin. Mar. 2 Requesting an interview with the Secretary of State. 484
Mememorandum Mar. 13 Declining an interview with Mr. Arroyo 484
Do July 18 Refusal to hold communication with a special agent accredited by Maximilian to the President of the United States. 485
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. July 31 Efforts of Maximilian to obtain the recognition of the United States. 485
Mr. Romero to Mr. Hunter. Aug. 1 Proceedings of Mr. Arroyo for the exercise of consular functions for the so-called Mexican empire. 486
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Aug. 9 The same subject 488
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Aug. 12 The same subject 489
300 Mr. Seward to Mr. Nov. 6 Views of the United States regarding French intervention in Mexico. 489
209 Bigelow. Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Nov. 30 The same subject 490
302 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Dec. 16 The same subject 490
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Seward. Nov. 29 Proposition for the withdrawal of French troops from Mexico. 491
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Feb. 11 Transmitting prospectus of the so called American and Mexican Emigration Company of St. Louis. 492
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Mar. 15 The same subject 495
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. July 9 Relative to an interview at Houston between the commander of the insurgent army in Texas and Governor Vidaurri. 497
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. July 27 The same subject 498
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Dec. 3 Regarding the plans of disaffected persons in the United States towards Mexico. 498
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Jan. 7 The same subject 499
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Feb. 6 Protest against the reported cession of Mexican territory to France by Maximilian. 500
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Feb. 25 The same subject 502
Mr. Romero to Mr. Hunter. April 20 Relations existing between the insurgents in the United States and the supporters of Maximilian. 502
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Nov. 2 The same subject 505
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. July 4 The same subject 506
Mr. Seward to Mr. Ro4mero. Nov. 4 The same subject 510
215 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. July 31 Intercepted correspondence of Dr. Gwin, showing his plan of operations in Mexico. 510
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. July 18 The same subject 518
195 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. July 13 The same subject 518
157 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Aug. 10 The same subject 519
231 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Aug. 24 The same subject 521
390 Do Feb. 12. Regarding colonization decrees issued by Maximilian. 521
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Oct. 20 Inducements offered by Maximilian for the emigration to Mexico of disaffected citizens of the United States. 522
Do Nov. 4 The same subject 526
Do Dec. 12 The same subject 528
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Dec. 21 The same subject 530
Mr. Romero to Mr. Hunter. Dec. 31 The same subject 530
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Romero. Dec. 31 The same subject 535
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. May 4. Proposed treaty with the United States, guaranteeing the boundaries of the Mexican republic and excluding slavery therefrom. 535
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. May 7 The same subject 538
Do May 7 Transit desired for United States troops to Arizona via Guaymas. 538
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. May 8 The same subject 539
Do Aug. 26 Assent of the Mexican government to the transit of United States troops through its territory to Arizona. 539
Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Romero. Aug. 27 The same subject 540
2 Mr. Corwin to Mr. Seward. June 29 The same subject 541
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. July 22 Decree issued by the Congress of the United States of Colombia in favor of President Juarez. 542
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Nov. 6 The same subject 543
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Sept. 21 The same subject 544
Do Oct. 24 The same subject 547
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Romero. Jan. 24 The same subject 549
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Oct. 17 Transmitting a medal from the citizens of Montevideo to President Juarez. 549
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Oct. 18 The same subject 551
Do Nov. 30 The same subject 551
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Dec. 2 The same subject 553
Mr. Seward to Mr. Kirk. Dec. 5 The same subject 553
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Aug. 21 Transmitting an address expressive of the sympathy of the Belgian people with Mexico. 553
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Nov. 7 The same subject 556
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Nov. 1 Reply of the Mexican government to the above address. 556
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Romero. Jan. 25 The same subject 559
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Oct. 20 Resolution of the Civic Guard of Liege protesting against the erection of a monument to the memory of the Belgians who fell in action in Mexico. 559
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Romero. Jan. 24 The same subject 560
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Oct. 27 Relative to the organization of the Imperial Mexican Express Company. 561
Do Oct. 31 The same subject 569
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Nov. 1 570
General Grant to Mr. Seward. Nov. 1 The same subject 570
Mr. Seward to General Grant. Nov. 1 The same subject 572
Mr. Seward to Mr. Dickinson. Nov. 1 The same subject 572
Mr. Seward to Mr. C. A. Seward. Nov. 1 The same subject 573
Mr. Romero to Mr. Hunter. Jan. 21 The same subject 573
Do Jan. 28 The same subject 574
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Jan. 31 The same subject 576
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. July 9 Relative to the annexation of certain Mexican States to the United States. 576
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. July 15 The same subject 578
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. July 12 Financial obligations of Maximilian 578
Do July 15 Protest by the Mexican agent in London against French intervention and the loan offered by Maximilian. 581
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. July 27 The same subject 582
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Feb. 6 Protesting against any settlement or cession of Mexican territory to be made by Maximilian to the French government. 582
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Feb. 25 The same subject 585
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Feb. 17 Transmitting a proclamation of President Juarez relative to the continuance of the struggle in Mexico. 585
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Mar. 15 Receipt of the above 587
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Mar. 28 Transmitting certain documents relating to events occurring in Mexico. 587
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Nov. 1 The same subject 596
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. April 7 Relative to the condition of affairs in Mexico, and to the operations of the contending forces in that republic. 597
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Nov. 2 The same subject 602
Mr. Romero to Mr. Hunter. May 10 Relative to the reported cession of Mexican territory by Maximilian. 602
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. June 12 Enclosing memorandum upon the Mexican question from the point of view of the law of nations. 603
Do June 25 Enclosing copy of a treaty between the Emperor of the French and Maximilian. Acceptance by Maximilian of the throne of Mexico. Presentation speech of the Marquis de Montholon. 604
Do July 21 Debate in the Corps Legislatif on the Mexican question. 610
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Nov. 5 Acknowledging receipt of the above 637
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. July 23 Regarding the negotiation of a loan in the United States for the republic of Mexico, and the exportation of arms to Mexico. 638
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Aug. 7 The same subject 640
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Aug. 12 Enclosing copy of a treaty of alliance between seven of the American republics, making provisions for their exterior security. 641
Do Sept. 14 Enclosing copy of a correspondence between the governor of Tabasco and the United States consul at San Juan Bautista on the termination of the civil war in the United States. 644
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Oct. 10 Transmitting documents relating to the war in Mexico and the attempts to seduce Mexicans into the service of Maximilian. 646
Do Nov. 20 Relative to French intervention in Mexico 657
Do Dec. 15 Summary of the situation in Mexico from a French point of view. 661
Do Dec. 24 Transmitting documents relating to the war in Mexico. 664
Do Feb. 14 Extract from La Presse, of Paris, entitled “Mexico before the French Chambers.” 670
Do Feb. 21 Views of Santa Anna relative to the establishment of an empire in Mexico. 686
Do Feb. 22 Departure of French troops from Oran to Mexico. 689
Do Feb. 26 Transmitting official documents published by the French government relating to affairs of Mexico. 689
Do Feb. 27 Statement of the foreign debt of Mexico prior to the intervention and of the debt sought to be imposed by the French intervention. 701
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Mar. 14 Acknowledging the receipt of several notes on the condition of Mexico. 705
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Mar. 12 Enclosing copy of a convention relating to the pay of French officials serving under Maximilian. 705
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Mar. 17 The same subject 706
Mr. Romero to Mr. Seward. Nov. 14 Relative to the exportations of arms and munitions of war to Mexico. 707
Do Nov. 18 The same subject 709
Mr. Seward to Mr. Speed. Nov. 21 The same subject 713
Mr. Speed to Mr. Seward. Dec. 23 The same subject 713
Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero. Dec. 24 The same subject 715
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. Mar. 11 Proceedings of United States troops at Matamoras. 715
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. Mar. 12 The same subject 716
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. Mar. 20 The same subject 721
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. Mar. 23 The same subject 722
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. April 3 The same subject 723
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. April 6 The same subject 723
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. April 7 Alleged seizure of cotton in Mexican territory by United States troops. 725
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. April 9 The same subject 725
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. April 26 Association at New Orleans for the alleged purpose of violating the neutrality of the United States in Mexico. 725
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. April 30 The same subject 726
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. May 27 Alleged traffic in articles contraband of war between the United States and Mexico. 726
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. May 28 Association at New Orleans for the alleged purpose of violating the neutrality of the United States in Mexico. 727
Do June 21 Alleged traffic in articles contraband of war between the United States and Mexico. 728
Do June 22 Association at New Orleans for the alleged purpose of violating the neutrality of the United States in Mexico. 728
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. June 22 Alleged traffic in articles contraband of war between the United States and Mexico. 729
Do July 8 Alleged shipment of powder and arms from California to Mexico. 729
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. July 9 Alleged traffic in articles contraband of war between the United States and Mexico. 730
Do July 14 Alleged shipment of powder and arms from California to Mexico. 731
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward Aug. 27 Alleged violation of neutrality on the Mexican frontier. 731
Do Sept. 2 Alleged shipment of powder and arms from California to Mexico. 731
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. Sept. 23 Alleged violation of neutrality on the Mexican frontier. 733
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. Sept. 30 The same subject 733
Do Oct. 15 The same subject 734
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward. Oct. 17 The same subject 736
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. Oct. 24 The same subject 736
Do Oct. 25 The same subject 736
Mr. Geofroy to Mr. Seward, Nov. 12 Alleged violation of neutrality in the construction of privateers in ports of the United States. 738
Mr. Seward to Mr. Geofroy. Nov. 18 The same subject 738
Do Nov. 25 Alleged shipment of powder and arms from California to Mexico. 739
855 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. Feb. 25 The Danish question. Effect of the war in Mexico on the neutrality of the United States in future foreign disputes. 740
868 do Mar. 8 Military events in Mexico 740
630 Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. Mar. 24 Visit of Maximilian to London. Projects of loans and of recognition. 740
937 Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. May 3 Condition of affairs in Mexico 741
380 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Nov. 27 Affairs in Mexico. The proposed European Congress. 742
389 do Dec. 25 Insurgent schemes for the recognition of the Mexican empire. 742
466 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Jan. 26 Case of José Wallace Smith 743
468 d0 Feb. 1 Project for obtaining Mexican letters of marque to depredate on French commerce. 745
418 Mr. Dayton So Mr. Seward. Feb. 6 Alleged contract between the United States and the authorities of Tamaulipas for the furnishing of arms. 746
423 do Feb. 19 Case of José Wallace Smith 746
490 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Feb. 27 Visit of Maximilian to Paris 747
496 do Mar. 2 Alleged contract between the authorities of the United States and Tamaulipas for the furnishing of arms. 747
430 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Mar. 11 Rumored recognition of the insurgents. Mexican loan. 748
431 do Mar. 11 Rumored negotiations for the cession of Texas to France. 748
506 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Mar. 17 Proceedings of United States troops at. Matamoras. 749
510 do Mar. 23 The same subject 749
519 do April 4 Affaris in Mexico 749
521 do April 5 Rumored opening of diplomatic relations with the so-called Emperor of Mexico. 750
524 do April 8 Alleged project for the recognition of insurgents by Maximilian. 751
449 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. April 11 Movements of Maximilian 751
450 do April 14 The same subject 752
452 do April 18 Convention between France and Maximilian regarding Mexico. 756
454 do April 22 Resolution of the House of Representatives with regard to French intervention. 757
537 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. April 28 Arrival at British Honduras of refugees from Texas. 758
538 do April 30 Mexican affairs 759
542 do May 9 Receipt of dispatch No. 454 759
465 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. May 16 Refusal to the French navy of a supply of coal bought at New York. 759
561 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. May 21 Receipt of dispatch No. 461 760
557 Do May 23 Menaces addressed to the consul general of the United States at Tampico by the French authorities. 760
464 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. June 8 Refusal to the French navy of a supply of coal bought at New York. 762
573 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. June 8 Menaces addressed to the consul general of the United States at Tampico by the French authorities. 762
489 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. June 13 Communication from Mexican officers, prisoners of war in France. 763
593 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. June 27 Exportation of coal for the use of the French navy. Surrender of the secretary of Vidaurri. Visit of French officers to the army of the Potomac. 765
598 do July 2 Receipt of dispatch No. 498 766
515 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. July 18 Menaces addressed to the consul general of the United States at Tampico by the French authorities. 766
628 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Aug. 8 The same subject 768
635 Do Aug. 18 Rumored projects of the French in Mexico 768
648 do Sept. 15 Military affairs in Mexico. Schemes of Dr. Gwin in Sonora. 769
656 do Sept. 20 Alleged violation of neutrality on the Mexican frontier. 769
669 do Oct. 3 The same subject 770
545 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Oct. 7 The same subject 770
677 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Oct. 10 The same subject 771
550 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Oct. 19 Sailing of the Belgian legion for Mexico 776
685 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Oct. 20 Alleged violation of neutrality on the Mexican frontier. 776
552 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Oct. 21 The same subject 776
693 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Oct. 31 Seizure of a United States mail bag at Acapulco. 777
557 Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward. Nov. 4 Alleged violation of neutrality on the Mexican frontier. 778
565 do Nov. 18 Seizure of a United States mail bag at Acapulco. 778
704 Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton. Nov. 18 Question as to the denial of belligerent rights to President Juarez which are granted to insurgents in the United States. 778
705 do Nov. 18 Receipt of despatch No. 557 779
717 do Dec. 4 Receipt of dispatch No. 565 779
151 Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike. May 6 Mexican affairs 779
83 Mr. Koerner to Mr. Seward. Mar. 20 Movements of Maximilian 780
85 do Mar. 27 Alleged treaty between Spain and Maximilian. 780
90 do April 2 Resolutions of Congress protesting against the establishment of a monarchy in Mexico. 781
81 Mr. Seward to Mr. Koerner. April 7 Course to be pursued towards the envoys of Maximilian. 781
82 do April 18 Pretended diplomatic agents sent to Mexico by the insurgents. 781
92 do May 17 Assumption of imperial authority by Maximilian in Mexico. 782
95 do May 19 Spanish-Peruvian difficulties 782
66 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. April 18 Policy of the United States regarding Mexico. 783
78 do July 14 Influence of events in the United States on its relations with Austria. 783
34 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. Sept. 21 Rumored offer of the throne of Mexico to Maximilian. Reported secret understandings between agents of the insurgent States and the Emperor of France. 784
36 do Oct. 5 The same subject 786
38 do Nov. 24 The same subject 788
72 Mr. Seward to Mr. Judd. May 9 Mexican affairs 788
62 Mr. Judd to Mr. Seward. April 16 Departure of Maximilian for Mexico 789
148 Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Sanford. Sept. 26 Enlistment of Belgians for military service in Mexico. 789
Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford. Oct. 4 Probabilities of a special mission to be sent to Mexico by Belgium. 789
199 Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward. July 6 Enlistment of Belgians for military service in Mexico. 790
214 do Sept. 7 The same subject 790
215 do Sept. 15 The same subject 791
220 do Oct. 24 The same subject 791
228 do Nov. 21 The same subject 792
230 do Nov. 28 Debate in the Belgian house of representatives on Mexican affairs. 792
234 Mr. Harvey to Mr. Seward. Oct. 17 Proceedings of the French in Mexico 793
100 Mr. Seward to Mr. Wood. Nov. 30 Relations of the United States with Mexico. 793
8 Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell. Nov. 19 Mission of Baron Wetterstedt to Mexico 794
50 Mr. Fogg to Mr. Seward. Oct. 2 French intervention in Mexico 794
228 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Dec. 21 Receipt of President Johnson’s message at the opening of Congress. Expressions of satisfaction upon it. Effect of its reference to the Mexican question. 795
235 do Jan. 6 Levying troops in Egypt for the service of Maxmilian in Mexico. Communication with Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys on the subject. 802
240 do Jan. 11 Enclosing a memorandum from Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys in regard to the basis for negotiation between the United States and France on the Mexican question. Discussion of the French debt in that country. Mode of stopping hostilities between the Juarist party and Maximilian. Santa Anna’s projects. 802
369 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Bigelow. Jan. 15 Receipt of Mr. Bigelow’s No. 233 804
248 do Jan. 15 Receipt of Mr. Bigelow’s No. 228 804
Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Jan. 25 Opening of the Chambers. Emperor’s views in regard to Mexico. 804
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Seward. Jan. 29 Transmitting note from Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys in answer to Mr. Seward’s note of the 6th December last. 805
378 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Jan. 29 Receipt of Mr. Bigelow’s No. 235 808
253 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Jan. 30 French sentiment in regard to Mexico. Mr. Saillard’s departure for Mexico, and Mr. Faverney’s to Washington, with oral messages to prepare the way for the retirement of the French army from Mexico. 808
255 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Feb. 1 Remarks of the Emperor to Mr. Bigelow in regard to the effect of his speech upon the American people. Mr. Seward’s trip. 809
257 do Feb. 1 Transmitting copies of paper in regard to Mexico communicated by the Emperor to the French Chambers. 809
382 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Feb. 6 Receipt of Mr. Bigelow’s Nos. 234, 236, and 240, relative to the adjustment of the difficulties between France and the United States. Say that as the discussion has been transferred to Washington, Mr. Bigelow will be relieved from further direct action in the premises. 810
264 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Feb. 8 Extracts from the reply of the senate commission to the imperial discourse at the opening of the Chambers. Mr. Bigelow’s comments. 810
268 do Feb. 9 Relative to the incorrect impression left by a note addressed by Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys to the Marquis de Montholon. 811
270 do Feb. 12 Discussion in the French senate of that part of the Emperor’s address which relates to the United States. Speech of Marshal Forey relative to the French army in Mexico. Imperial ministerial policy. 813
Mr. Seward to the Marquis de Montholon. Feb. 12 Resumé of the Mexican question. Policy of the United States. 813
388 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Feb. 12 Enclosing a copy of a note to the Marquis de Montholon dated this day. 822
390 do Feb. 12 Emigration and colonization in Mexico 822
272 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Feb. 15 Presence of Mr. Barandiran in Paris for the purpose of obtaining money to fit out Austrians for Mexico. 823
402 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Mar. 1 Receipt of Mr. Bigelow’s No. 257 823
404 do Mar. 2 Receipt of Mr. Bigelow’s No. 264 823
405 do Mar. 2 Receipt of Mr. Bigelow’s No. 268 824
408 do Mar. 5 Expressing the hope that the correspondence now pending between France and the United States may remove all apprehension of trouble between the two powers. 824
411 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Mar. 5 Receipt of Mr. Bigelow’s No. 273 824
282 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Mar. 6 The proceedings of the corps legislatiff relative to that portion of the Emperor’s address which relates to Mexico. 825
425 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Mar. 20 Attempts of the agents of Maximilian to send Austrians to Mexico. 826
Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. Mar. 22 Expressions of the French press in regard to the sending of Austrians to Mexico. 826
426 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. Mar. 23 Receipt of Mr. Bigelow’s No. 282 827
297 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. April 6 Withdrawal of the French troops from Mexico. 827
The Marquis de Montholon to Mr. Seward. April 21 Transmitting a copy of a despatch from Mr. Drouyn de Lhuys. 828
438 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. April 21 Withdrawal of French troops from Mexico 829
Mr. Seward to the Marquis de Montholon. April 23 Acknowledging his note of the 21st instant 829
138 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. Dec. 18 Enlistment of Austrian troops for Mexico 829
150 do Feb. 27 The same subject 830
167 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. Mar. 19 The same subject 831
169 do Mar. 19 The same subject 831
155 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. Mar. 27 The same subject 832
173 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. April 6 The same subject 832
158 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. April 6 The same subject 823
174 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. April 16 The same subject 836
181 do April 30 The same subject 837
167 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. May 1 The same subject 839
182 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. May 3 The same subject 839
169 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. May 6 The same subject 840
Mr. Motley to Count Mensdorff. May 6 The same subject 840
57 Mr. Canisius to Mr. Seward. May 8 The same subject 843
174 Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward. May 15 The same subject 844
177 do May 21 The same subject 845
184 Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. May 26 Receipt of despatch No. 169 846
185 do May 26 The same subject 846
186 do May 30 Enlistment of Austrian troops for service in Mexico. 846
189 do June 9 The same subject 847
325 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. May 25 The same subject 848
469 Mr. Seward to Mr. Bigelow. May 31 Receipt of despatch No. 320 848
474 do June 4 Receipt of despatch No. 316 848
476 do June 6 Receipt of despatch No 325 849
330 Mr. Bigelow to Mr. Seward. June 4 Withdrawal of French troops from Mexico 849