Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward
Sir:* * * * * * * * *
Permit me to tender my congratulations on the decisive result of the presidential election. It virtually ends the rebellion by depriving it of hope. It has been worth many victories in the field, and as a moral triumph, rising above the terrible sacrifices of civil war, reaches a sublime altitude. I have felt its influence in the changed political atmosphere around me. By reanimating our friends, and creating respect and fear among our enemies, it gives assurance of future unity and greatness. The telegram from Hamburg announcing the result was received here on the 22d ultimo and published in the evening papers. It was of the most satisfactory character, stating, as it did, that Mr. Lincoln had a majority of 400,000 on the popular vote, and in an electoral vote of 234 he would receive all but 13, and that all the States voting had cast their ballots for Mr. Lincoln save Kentucky, New Jersey, and Delaware. This despatch, written by a friendly hand, created surprise in some quarters, and I received congratulations from others. It was not what the “governing classes” expected or desired. They preserve “friendly relations,” but would prefer the dismemberment of a power jealously regarded as too great, and the success of the aristocratic rebellion. Our safety consists in the strength they deprecate and the ability with which that strength is guided at home and directed abroad.
* * * * * * * *
I have the honor to be, with great respect, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.