Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt from the department of despatches of October 5, No. 2; October 10, No. 47, (addressed to Mr. Haldeman;) October 13, No. 3, and October 17, No. 4.
An early opportunity was embraced by me to say to Count Manderstrom, in pursuance of instructions contained in your despatch No. 2, that the appointment of Baron Nils de Wetterstedt as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Washington was duly appreciated as a mark of the friendly regard of his Majesty towards the United States; and I further assured Count Manderstrom that the Baron de Wetterstedt would be cordially welcomed by the President as the representative from the King of Sweden and Norway.
Count Manderstrom expressed much gratification at the intelligence, and remarked that the Baron de Wetterstedt was well known at Washington.
Count Platten, minister of marine for his Majesty’s government, meeting me at the palace, requested, in an informal way, that I would convey his acknowledgments to the Secretary of the Navy of the United States for the courtesy extended in permitting a Swedish captain of marine to take passage on board one of our monitors to New Orleans, thus enabling him to make report upon its construction and qualities. The Swedes are building three monitors after American models. I assured the Count Platten that the courtesy he referred to was a pleasure, and that the authorities of the United States would lose no opportunity of strengthening the friendly relations existing between the governments and peoples of the two countries.
The 4th instant having been the fiftieth anniversary of the union of Sweden and Norway, was celebrated in the capitals of the respective kingdoms with unusual splendor. The crown prince, Oscar, journeyed to Christiana to assist in the Norwegian observances, while a deputation from Norway was received at Stockholm by his Majesty King Charles. The ceremonies at this capital consisted of tedeum, anthems, and solemn discourse in the royal chapel; ode, music and oration in the hall of state; state dinner at the palace, and a grand illumination of the city in the evening. The following night the rejoicings were continued by a gala spectacle of a national character in the theatre, which was filled by his Majesty’s guests. At all of these ceremonies and festivities I had . the honor of attending in an official capacity. It is with diffidence that I offer a suggestion to so close an observer of European politics as yourself, but I have been forcibly impressed with the fact that the recent rejoicings of the court were without sympathetic response from the people. The national jealousies are great, and render impracticable the grand dream of Scandinavian union indulged in by t a party of which Prince Oscar is the head. Warned by the fate of Denmark, the disposition of European governments seems towards strong alliances.
I have not been able to learn, after diligent inquiry, that the insurgents are making any efforts at present to purchase vessels or ordnance within the limits of this legation.
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I have the honor to be, with great respect, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.