Mr. Hunter to Mr Bigelotc

No. 287.]

Sir: Referring to your despatch of the 28th of March last, No. 66, relative to the claim of the Arizona Mining Company against France, on account of the seizure of a quantity of powder on the schooner William L. Richardson, I now transmit to you a copy of a communication of the 17th instant, from Messrs. Lewis & Cox, attorneys for that company. As it appears from the evidence that the powder in question was not intended for hostile purposes, and was destined to a place within the jurisdiction of the United States, I must request you to submit the claim to the reconsideration of the imperial government, and to support it by such arguments as the facts of the case may, in your judgment, warrant.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

W. HUNTER, Acting Secretary.

John Bigelow, Esq., &c., &c., &c.