Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter

Sir: With reference to Mr. Seward’s note of the 23d January, and to Mr. Burnley’s reply of the 25th January, relative to an alleged projected raid on United States ships on the coast of the Pacific, I have the honor to transmit a copy of a despatch which has been addressed by Vice-Admiral Sir James Hope to the secretary of the admiralty on the subject.

I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your obedient, humble servant,


Hon. W. Hunter, &c., &c., &c.

Sir James Hope to the Secretary of the Admiralty

Sir: You will be pleased to acquaint the lords commissioners of the admiralty, in reply to your letter of the 16th ultimo, that in conversation with the governor of Demarara, on the subject of the alleged attempt to seize United States steam vessels in the Pacific, he expressed his intention of taking every means in his power to frustrate this scheme should any attempt be made to carry it into execution, and that the senior officer of the division will be directed to afford him every assistance for this purpose.

I have, &c.,


The Secretary of the Admiralty.