Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Hunter
April 22, 1865.
Sir: I have the honor to transmit to you
herewith a copy of a despatch which I have received from the governor
general of Canada, informing me of the measures taken by his excellency
on receiving intelligence of the assassination of the President of the
United States, and requesting me to communicate to the Secretary of
State of the United States, on the part of the government and people of
Canada, their feelings of abhorrence of the crime and of sympathy at the
loss which has been sustained by the government and citizens of the
United States.
I have the honor to be, with high consideration, sir, your most obedient,
humble servant,
Hon. W. Hunter,
&c., &c., &c.
Viscount Monck to Sir F. Bruce
Sir: The intelligence of the perpetration
of the atrocious outrage by which the United States have been
deprived of their Chief Magistrate has. filled all classes of the
community in this province with awe and horror.
Immediately that I received a confirmation of the sad news, I gave
directions, in conjunction with the lieutenant general commanding
her Majesty’s troops in this province, that at all civil and
military stations the flags should be hoisted half-mast high.
I shall feel much obliged if you will take a fitting opportunity of
communicating to the Secretary of State of the United States, on the
part of the government and people of this province, their deep
feeling of abhorrence of the crime which has been committed, and
their profound sympathy with the government and citizens of the
United States at the loss which they have sustained.
I have, &c.,
Hon. Sir F. Bruce, G. C. B., &c., &c., &c.