Mr. Thayer to Mr. Seward.

No. 12.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the despatch of October 9, (No. 4,) in which you are pleased to testify the government’s approbation of my proceedings for the punishment of the outrage inflicted by the mob of Osint on an agent of the American missionaries here.

I have also the honor to send herewith the reply of Mohammed Said, viceroy of Egypt, to the letter of the President of the United States, accompanying your despatch of October 9, as well as the letter of the viceroy’s minister of foreign affairs, on the subject of excluding privateers from the harbors of Egypt. It will be seen that the viceroy’s order of exclusion applies expressly not to all privateers, but only to privateers and vessels bearing an unrecognized flag, so that our domestic enemies are thus deprived of those belligerent rights which are very properly accorded to ourselves. The government of his highness is too friendly to the United States to affect not to know the difference in the status of the two contending parties in our civil contest. Copies of the letters of the viceroy and of his minister (marked A and B) are appended to this despatch.

* * * * * * *

I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. W. H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.


Honorable Sir and Friend: Mr. Thayer, consul general of the United States at Alexandria, has presented me the letter you were pleased to write me expressing your feelings of satisfaction for the punishment which I have inflicted on some individuals guilty of evil and cruel treatment towards an agent of certain Christian missionaries in Upper Egypt.

Mr. Thayer, who, I am happy to say, entertains with me the most friendly relations, had already expressed to me the feelings of your government.

In this case, honorable sir and friend, I have only executed the rule which I [Page 855] have always endeavored to follow in protecting in an equal way, and without consideration of creed, all those who, either by inclination or for the fulfilment of a duty, sojourn in the country submitted to my administration.

I am profoundly sensible of the friendly manner in which you express your sentiments both to myself and to my government, and I pray you, honorable sir and friend, to accept with this offering of my thanks my sincere wishes for the success, perpetuity, and integrity of the American Union, which, I hope, under your able presidency, will soon see an end of the trials with which the Almighty has been pleased to afflict it.

Your most devoted friend,


Hon. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America,


Monsieur le Consul General: In addition to my private letter in reply to your communication of the 19th of October last, respecting the foreign vessels which may present themselves in the neighborhood of Alexandria under an unrecognized flag, I have the honor to inform you that the order of his highness the viceroy is that the captain of the port of this city shall notify them to remain outside of the said port until he can receive instructions from the local government on the subject; that whether they conform to that injunction or enter the harbor notwithstanding such notice, official information shall be taken from each of the consulates general residing in Egypt, and that if the nationality of these vessels be not owned by either one of them they shall be excluded from the port, in accordance with the rules in force.

Be pleased to accept, monsieur le consul general, the assurances of my high consideration

TOULFIKAE PACHA, The Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Monsieur Wm. L. Thayer, Consul General of the United States of America, Alexandria.