Mr. Corwin to Mr. Seward.

No. 26.]

Sir: Three days ago a courier employed by our consul at Vera Cruz arrived here with letters and newspapers from the United States, furnishing the details of the late cheering events in our country. This intelligence is almost as grateful to the government of Mexico as it is to ours. It is believed, and I concur in the opinion, that the prospect of a permanent settlement of our difficulties will have an important and happy effect upon the destinies of this country.

The very anomalous condition of the French in this country gives rise to much speculation and conjecture as to its results, as well as to the real objects and motives of the Emperor. Almonte is evidently the agent employed by some power to subvert the present government, and establish in its stead, as is believed here, a monarchy, more or less absolute, having for its representative some European prince. The Archduke Maxamilian is likely to be the man. The French force now here numbers about seven thousand, with the auxiliaries, headed by Marquez, making in all about ten thousand. It has retreated before Zaragoza (who commands the government forces) from Puebla to Orizaba, about ninety miles, and is now fortifying itself at the latter city. A few days [Page 750] ago a detachment, under command of Marquez, marched for Vera Cruz, to bring up General Douai with his troops, about eleven hundred, but learning that Llave was waiting to oppose him with three thousand men at a mountain pass, he returned, leaving Douai at Vera Cruz, losing from ten to fifteen men every day, who fall victims to the vomito.

It is said by well informed persons here that no more troops are to be sent from France. If this be so, then it is certain the French army will not be able to sustain itself in this country. Almonte himself is not only not popular, but odious to the people of Mexico, and the idea of a foreign potentate is rejected by a vast majority of all parties. It is the confident opinion of well-informed persons here, that the Emperor of the French has been misinformed and greatly deceived as to the true state of public opinion in Mexico. I have heard of no acquisition to the standard of Almonte, borne by the French army, except the bloodthirsty guerillas under Marquez. The English government has settled all matters in dispute with Mexico by a treaty, to which I have referred in a former despatch; and Spain has withdrawn its entire force, intending, no doubt, to treat, after the example of Great Britain.

I have only to repeat my conviction, that it is the obvious interest of the United States, as well as its duty, to ratify at once the treaty with Mexico, ratified here on the 6th of April last. I have in a former despatch given my reasons fully for this opinion, and forbear to repeat them here.

The circular addressed by you to the European courts touching their movements here, while it cannot be objected to anywhere, is received here with the liveliest satisfaction. This government expects the best results from it. Your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States, Washington, D. C.