Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford.

No. 68.]

Sir: Your two despatches of September 26 (Nos. 69 and TO) have been received.

It is an occasion of sincere satisfaction to the President to know that his Majesty the King has recovered his health, and that his popularity has augmented during his long and painful confinement.

The remarks of Mr. Rogier concerning the condition of our domestic struggle might surprise us if we had not too many other proofs that Europe, as might naturally be suspected, reasons in regard to our affairs under the influence of its own temporary interests and impulses, and not those which are inspired by concern for our own permanent safety and welfare, or even the permanent welfare of Europe itself. There is, nevertheless, an opinion in foreign circles that does appear unaccountable, namely, that this government, with the loyal people that are sustaining it, are desiring, or being prepared to desire, a compromise with the insurrection. No country in the world has ever poured out, in an equal period, so much of its treasure and its blood to save its integrity and its independence. These precious streams have flowed from springs as free as they are abundant. They are renewed now as freely and as plentifully as before Temporary and partial disappointments not only produce no despair or despondency, but they stimulate and invigorate. These facts might be expected to satisfy Europe that the insurrection is not likely to be brought to an end by the surrender of the destinies which the country claims as its own. Our cause is now, as it was in the time of our great revolution, the cause of human nature. It deserves and it yet will win the favor of all nations and of all classes and conditions of men.

A copy of so much of your despatch (No. 70) as relates to New Orleans will be transmitted to Major General Butler. The international congress for the promotion of social science seems to have been wise in foregoing a discussion of American affairs under influences committed to the extension of slavery, which desolates one continent in preparing scourges for another and hindrances to civilization throughout the whole world. There is one fundamental principle of social science which cannot be too steadily kept in view by all who desire to promote the advancement of civilization, namely, the principle that every people ought to be left free to establish their own institutions, regulate their own affairs, and arbitrate their own domestic conflicts.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Henry S. Sanford, Esq., &C., &C., &C., Brussels.