Mr. Seward to Mr. Sanford.

No. 65.]

Sir: Your letter of the 16th of September last has been received. I am glad to learn from it that the pressure in the cotton market in France is less severe than the vague reports of the press which are received here would induce us to suppose. It is still more agreeable to learn that Europe is coming, though slowly, towards an attitude of independence of the cotton supply from this country. The obstinacy of the cotton producers in demanding an overthrow of this government as a condition for allowing the material for European manufacture, and their persistency in this desperate policy, must soon bring home to Europe the question which engages us, namely: whether all human interests, all human rights, all moral principles, and all political systems throughout the world, with all their influences upon civilization, present and future, are to be controlled and settled by a monopoly of African slaveholders in this country? We have reached the question - whether slavery shall live and free government perish on the American continent. We must try it with Europe against us, if such an ill omened alliance cannot be averted. We trust, however, that it may be averted, and in that case the trial is already approaching its end.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Henry S. Sanford, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Brussels.