Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley.
Sir: Your very interesting despatch of February 12 (No. 4) has been submitted to the President.
The just and generous sentiments expressed by Count Rechberg, concerning the unhappy domestic contest in which we are engaged, are welcomed by us with sincere satisfaction. That satisfaction is enhanced by the fact that the friendship now expressed, when it may be seen that we are beginning to emerge from these troubles, is remembered by us to have been expressed with equal frankness and fervor at former periods, when many other powers seemed to assume that our struggle to save our country and its precious institutions from destruction was hopeless.
The views you unofficially expressed concerning the intervention of Spain, France, and Great Britain in Mexico seem to me to be very just and wise. As Austria has not been a party in this intervention, we have not thought it necessary to explain to her the position we have assumed in regard to that transaction, and we do not instruct you to do so. Nevertheless, we have no concealments, and, on the contrary, we desire to practice perfect frankness on that as on all other subjects. The disposition of the Austrian government is now incidentally brought into discussion by authentic reports of a project of the establishment of a throne to be occupied by the Grand Duke Maximilian in. Mexico.
You are, therefore, entitled to information of the views of this government, and Austria may desire to know them. For these reasons, I send you a copy of a communication heretofore addressed by us to the allies, which you may, if you think proper, unofficially submit to the perusal of Count Rechberg, if he should express a desire to see it. The House of Representatives has called for the whole correspondence of the government on this subject. A copy will be transmitted to you when it shall have become public here.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
J. Lothrop Motley, Esq., &c., &c., &c. Vienna.