Mr. Seward to Mr. Koerner.

No. 3.]

Sir: Mr. Perry’s despatch of August 1 (No. 73) has been received. It brings information of the appointment of Don Jose de la Concha to be ambassador at Madrid, and Mr. Perry infers from that proceeding and other events a probable combination by the government of Spain with that of France in the war waged by the Emperor against Mexico.

That war, regarded in the light of the explanations of it which have been given to this government by that of the Emperor, is a foreign affair, and the new phase of Spanish policy in regard to it, for that reason, does not require any special notice on the part of the United States.

It is believed here that the maritime powers, if indeed they have heretofore entertained doubts, are now becoming satisfied that proceedings on their part, injurious or hostile to the United States, would be productive of no results advantageous to European interests. Certainly this government, [Page 475] when it considers the military and naval forces that it has at its control, the success that it has achieved already in the present unhappy civil war, and the favorable prospects. of the campaign which it is now preparing, is not disposed to be disturbed by apprehensions of interference by foreign powers. Doing all that it ought and can to preserve peace with foreign nations, it will not suffer itself to be alarmed by fears of wrong on their part, whether victory continually attends our arms, or at times manifests its habitual caprice.

There are indications of growing uneasiness in Europe, which seems to us likely to engage the thoughtful consideration of the foreign powers with whom treasonable emissaries from this country have been seeking to bring the United States into collision. We have at least an important guarantee of peace, in the fact that traitors are always justly suspected by ingenuous parties whom they address.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Gustavus Koerner, Esq., &c., &c., &c. Madrid.