Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton.

No 146.]

Sir: You will fully appreciate the importance of the capture of New Orleans, which was effected by our naval expedition, exclusively, on the 24th instant. The news reached us through insurgent organs last evening. As [Page 336] yet we have not received details, nor can we fully apprehend, at so early a moment, the changes in the plans of the insurgents which this great event must produce. It is hardly to be doubted that it will enable us, before another despatch day shall arrive, to restore the mails to that great commercial city under such restraints, not oppressive to innocent commercial intercourse, as the military exigencies will permit.

We were indeed just maturing a plan for that purpose when intelligence of the great victory arrived.

We hear that Captain Bullock, of Georgia, writes from London that he is sending out five steamers which he has purchased, fitted, armed, and supplied with materials of war, in England, to prosecute a naval war against us. This can be regarded as nothing less than a piratical invasion of this country from Europe, under the toleration of European powers. We do not doubt our ability to meet and overcome it. But it seems to us worthy the consideration of maritime states, whether our success in maintaining the integrity of our country shall be necessarily accompanied with the conviction, fixed forever in the public mind, that Europe lent its aid to the abortive revolution.

The President knows that France has wished us well. Would it not be well for her to signalize her aversion from the designs of European conspirators?

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


William L. Dayton, Esq., &c., &c., &c.