Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons,.

My Lord: Referring to my note of the 4th of December last, relative to the alleged maltreatment of the captain of the schooner Louisa Agnes, I now have the honor to enclose to you the copy of a communication of yesterday, addressed to this department by the Secretary of the Navy on that subject.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to your lordship the assurance of my high consideration.


Right Hon. Lord Lyons, &c., &c., &c.

Mr. Welles to Mr. Seward.

Sir: In compliance with your request of the 9th of December last, the department wrote for statements from the officers of the United States steamer Susquehanna respecting the treatment of the captain of the English schooner Louisa Agnes, seized for a violation of the blockade. The statements have just been received, and are herewith submitted, with a letter of Flag-Officer DuPont, dated the 28th ultimo.

Will you please return them when you shall have no further use for them.

I have the honor to be, &c.,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.


Sir: On the return to this port of the Susquehanna from blockading duty I called the attention of Captain Lardner to the subject of the treatment of the master and crew of the English schooner Louisa Agnes.

I have the honor to enclose communications from Captain Lardner, Lieutenant Commanding Bankhead, and Lieutenant Weaver.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

S. F. DUPONT, Flag-Officer Com’g South Atlantic Block Squadron.

Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington.


Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a copy of a despatch from the Navy Department, of December 11, referring to the treatment of the master and crew of the English schooner Louisa Agnes, together with extract from Lord Lyons’s letter to the Secretary of State, and extract from the affidavit of the master, to which my attention is called.

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Captain Chauncey, who commanded this ship at the time, was detached soon afterwards. From the senior lieutenant (Bankhead) now in command of the Pembina, I enclose a statement of the treatment and condition of the men; also one from Lieutenant Weaver, of this ship.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. L. LARDNER, Captain.

Flag-Officer S. F. DuPont, Com’g South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, Tort Royal, S. C.


Sir: In answer to your request to furnish you with the particulars as to the treatment of the captain and two of the crew of the Louisa Agnes while on board the Susquehanna, of which ship I was first lieutenant, I have to state that the said captain and men, after having been transferred from the Cambridge, were both messed and berthed. He, the said captain, was recognized by several of the crew as having served on board a United States vessel-of-war, in the capacity of seaman, at some previous time. His personal appearance and want of cleanliness was such that I did not feel satisfied in berthing him in the steerage, where I had been in the habit of putting men of his class while on board of the Susquehanna. A ration was issued for himself and the two men, and a place assigned them forward orlop deck (under a strict charge) for their effects. He was treated as well as the crew of the ship, and quite as well, as I judged from his manners and appearance, as he had any reason to expect. While the said captain and two men were on board of the Susquehanna none of them were put in irons, or in any manner deprived of their personal liberty, but were treated with all the consideration which men in their situation were entitled to.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. P. BANKHEAD, Lieutenant Commanding.

Captain James L. Lardner, Commanding United States Steamer Susquehanna.


United States Steamer Susquehanna.

Sir: In reply to your request of this day I have to state that the master of the schooner Louisa Agnes was received on board this ship on the 10th day of September, 1861. He, Robert Nicholson, master of schooner Louisa Agnes, was furnished with bedding and a hammock, and took his meals in one of the messes of the crew of this ship, where he was treated a member of said mess. The said Nicholson would not have been received in any officer’s mess, as his personal condition was filthy and ragged in the extreme.

I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,

A. W. WEAVER, Lieutenant United States Navy.

Captain James L. Lardner, Commanding United States Steamer Susquehanna, Port Royal, S. C.

Forwarded respectfully.

J. L. LARDNER, Captain.