Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.

No. 345.]

Sir: Your despatch of August 29 (No. 211) has been received. Since it was written, information, hastened by telegraph, has reached the country that Garibaldi has been wounded and captured by a French force on the coast of Calabria, and conveyed a prisoner to Spezzia. This event would seem sufficient to arrest the revolutionary movement which so lately threatened the peace of Europe. Nevertheless it remains a question of much interest whether the agitation will immediately go down or reveal itself in some new demonstrations of sympathy with its representative in his detention and sufferings.

Advices from Mexico do not encourage the belief that there will be any real submission to the French or any practical acquiescence in any new government they may succeed in establishing there.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Charles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.