[364] Mr. Mercier to Mr. Seward.
Legation of France to the United
May 16, 1862.
[367] Memorandum of conversation between Mr. Mercier and Mr. Seward.
Department of State, Washington,
May 31, 1862.
[370] Viscount Treilhard to Mr. Seward.
Legation of France in the United
States, Washington,
August 8, 1862.
[372] Viscount Treilhard to Mr. Seward.
Legation of France in the United
States, Washington,
August 12, 1862.
[376] Viscount Treilhard to Mr. Seward.
Legation of France in the United
States, Washington,
August 29, 1862.
[378] [Translation.]
Extract from a
despatch of Mr. Thouvenel to Mr. Merrier, under date
of the 19th of
September, 1862.
[379] Viscount Treilhard to Mr. Seward.
Legation of France in the United
States, Washington,
October 6, 1862.