386. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts1

204937. Ref: State 204502.2 Nigerian Crisis.

In early hours May 30, Military Governor of Eastern Nigeria formally proclaimed Eastern Nigeria sovereign independent Republic of Biafra. Federal Military Government (FMG) has declared state of national emergency and is reacting vigorously to Eastern action.
FYI: Since FMG use of military force against East is distinct possibility, our most immediate concern is protection Amcits throughout Nigeria. End FYI. As reported reftel, we advising against unnecessary travel to any part of Nigeria or within that country. To date, Embassy Lagos has not believed that Amcits are in imminent danger or that they should consider leaving country. Further deterioration in situation would of course raise questions of additional steps.
It remains our basic position that problem of Nigeria is a matter of primary concern to the Nigerians, to Africa and to the Commonwealth. We continue to support a peaceful resolution of this problem. While continuing maintain our relations with FMG, we intend to maintain consular presence and functioning in East, which is of course not to be construed as USG recognition of Biafra.
If queried on Nigerian developments and USG recognition of Biafra posts may draw on above for guidance, avoiding comments on substance of Nigerian crisis and any speculation on recognition question. FBIS report quoting Eastern Nigeria radio to effect USG (as well as other nations) has already recognized Biafra is false and has been denied by US Embassy in Lagos.
FYI: We consider attitude of other AF states, Commonwealth countries and perhaps OAU an important factor in determining US position on status and recognition of Biafra and wish await clearer demonstration their intentions, as well as developments in Nigeria. In any event, we wish maintain friendly relations with all parts of Nigeria, including East and any other entities which might emerge. End FYI.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 23–9 NIGERIA. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Smith, cleared by Assistant Legal Adviser for African Affairs Charles Runyon and Palmer, and approved by Katzenbach. Sent to all posts in Africa and Europe, CINCSTRIKE/CINCMEAFSA, and USUN.
  2. Dated May 30. (Ibid.)