173. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Tunisia1

211328. Ref: Tunis 4774, State 209980.2

1. Please deliver the following message, dated June 15, 1967 from the President to President Bourguiba:

“Dear Mr. President:

I fully understand the deep concern expressed in your urgent message of June 9. As you know, we had tried hard to prevent war. Once it started, we energetically supported the efforts of the United Nations Security Council to achieve an effective cease-fire as a prelude to a lasting peace.

As we attempt to mend the torn fabric of relations in the Middle East, your prestige as an advocate of moderation and your consistent [Page 264] support of peaceful solutions to international problems give you an important voice which must be heard.

I am pleased to hear from your son that you continue to regain your strength. I deeply appreciate the message of friendship and understanding which he brought to Secretary Rusk and to my Special Assistant, Mr. Rostow.

With my warmest personal sentiments,

Lyndon B. Johnson

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 ARAB–ISR. Confidential; Immediate; Limdis. Drafted by Sacksteder and Palmer (text revised in the White House); cleared by Battle, Harold Saunders, and Eugene V. Rostow; and approved by Herbert B. Thompson of S/S.
  2. Both dated June 9. (Ibid.) Telegram 4774 transmitted a letter from President Bourguiba to President Johnson.