51. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (Armitage) to Secretary of Defense Weinberger1
- Meeting with Moroccan Ambassador Jorio (U)—INFORMATION MEMORANDUM
(S) On Tuesday, 19 March, I met with Moroccan Ambassador Jorio2 to clarify what Ambassador Jorio had said to DAS Nassif3 about changed attitudes in Morocco concerning the Moroccan-Libyan union.
(S) Ambassador Jorio explained Morocco now believes there is a change in the US attitude about Morocco’s treaty with Libya as a result of Foreign Minister Filali’s discussions with USG officials, particularly in the State Department.4 Apparently, these officials gave Foreign Minister Filali the impression that, even if they do not support it, they better understand Morocco’s position with Libya, and that this arrangement was dictated by national and regional circumstances. Ambassador Jorio explained further that Morocco wanted first, to counter Algeria’s efforts to isolate Morocco, and second, to stop Libyan supply of the Polisario. He characterized the treaty as a “treaty of neutralization not friendship”.
(S) I told Ambassador Jorio that, despite announcement of the treaty, we have continued to recognize the strategic importance of Morocco and maintain good relations, while giving Morocco time to justify this act. I pointed out that the consistency of our relations with Morocco was demonstrated with the expedited delivery of the M48A5 tanks Morocco [Page 111] requested. However, we still are displeased with the Moroccan/Libyan treaty, and our policy toward Qadhafi has not changed.5
- Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files, FRC 330–87–0007, 1985 Official Records (Secret & Below) of the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the Executive Secretary to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, Box 42, Morocco 1985. Secret. Sent through Iklé. Drafted by [name not declassified] (ISA/NESA). A stamped notation at the top of the letter reads: “21 MAR 85 10:08 Office of the Secretary of Defense.” Underneath that notation, a second stamped notation reads: “SECDEF HAS SEEN MAR 21 1985.”↩
- No other record of the Armitage-Jorio conversation has been found.↩
- No record of the Nassif-Jorio conversation has been found.↩
- Reference is presumably to the February 21 meeting between Filali and Shultz, during which Filali “conveyed to the Secretary King Hassan’s earnest desire to give a quote new dynamic unquote to the bilateral relationship, which he said, had quote settled unquote since last August’s Libya-Morocco treaty. Filali said the treaty had achieved its two objectives: neutralizing Libyan support for the Polisario and forcing Algeria to talk directly to Morocco.” Shultz “agreed that it is important to renew and reenergize periodically all elements of a relationship. He said it is time to put problems behind us and to move and build the relationship.” (Telegram 56991 to multiple recipients, February 26; Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, Electronic Telegrams, D850129–0199)↩
- Weinberger drew a line in the right-hand margin next to this sentence, underlined the sentence, and wrote: “yes” underneath it.↩
- Armitage signed “Rich” above this stamped signature.↩