298. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Tunisia1


For Ambassador. Subject: Letter From President Reagan to President Bourguiba (S/S 8214850).

1. Please deliver the following letter from President Reagan to President Bourguiba

2 (A) Begin Text: Dear Mr. President: The visit of your Prime Minister, Mohamed Mzali,2 is a tangible expression of the friendship between our two countries. I very much appreciated the visit.

(B) As you know, it had been my hope to see you when you were here in January.3 It had been my intention to tell you personally that the constancy of the friendship between our countries is very important to me. I was happy to convey this to you through your able and eloquent Prime Minister.

(C) We are all deeply impressed by the exemplary development of Tunisia, which you have led into full freedom and the modern world. As Americans, we are proud to have been your partners in that adventure. I hope the next decade of our friendship will be as productive for us both as the last years have been.

Sincerely, Ronald Reagan. End text.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, Electronic Telegrams, D850275–0584. Limited Official Use; Niact Immediate. Drafted from text received from the White House; cleared by Adams (S/S–S), Flaten (NEA/AFN), and Schneider; approved by Veliotes.
  2. See Document 297.
  3. See Document 292.