452. Telegram From the Embassy in Argentina to the Department of State1
8844. Subj: Argentine Intent To Retake Falklands. Ref: (A) State 323919,2 (B) IIR 6 809 0249 84 (DTG 2918122 Oct 84).3
1. (S–Entire text.)
2. Embassy believes GOA will continue to pursue its Malvinas goals through negotiation only. President Alfonsin will not throw away the hard-won improvement in Argentina’s international image on foolhardy military adventures. We concur also with our DAO assessment that Argentine armed forces do not have the operational capacity and resources to launch any effort to retake the Malvinas.
3. While we would not rule out a possible military action by some part of the Argentine services, perhaps related to internal political disputes, the reference report seems to imply a carefully planned and organized effort with help from other countries. Perhaps the Argentines were using an extreme case to test Brazilian reactions.
- Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D840710–0556. Secret; Priority; Noforn; Nocontract.↩
- In telegram 323919 to Buenos Aires, October 31, the Department informed the Embassy that INR requested comment on an October 29 report prepared by USDAO Brasilia concerning the Falklands/Malvinas dispute (reference B). (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D840697–0545)↩
- Not found.↩