434. Action Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Motley) and the Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States (Middendorf) to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Eagleburger)1


  • OASGA Vote on Falklands


U.S. vote on Argentine draft resolution on Falklands at OASGA.


The Argentine delegation to the OASGA has circulated a revised version of their draft resolution on the South Atlantic.2 At the request of the U.S. they have deleted two paragraphs, one preambular and one operative, which went beyond last year’s OASGA resolution3 and this year’s UNGA resolution.4

One of the paragraphs which the Argentines agreed to drop mentioned “prompt” resumption of negotiations and both noted the willingness of the Argentine Government to carry out “immediately” the [Page 885] two UN resolutions. The clear implication was that the British were not willing to do so.

As it now stands, the draft resolution is essentially the same as last year’s with the following changes: 1) one preambular paragraph has been added to reflect this year’s UNGA resolution; 2) another preambular paragraph was added which notes that the UN Secretary General’s report “indicates the lack of any progress toward fulfillment of these resolutions;” 3) one operative paragraph has been added which expresses “concern over the lack of any progress” (very similar to UNGA resolution which “regrets” lack of progress); and 4) a paragraph has been added which asks subsequent General Assemblies to examine the question until it is settled.

The vote on the resolution could take place as early as Wednesday, November 16.

We believe that since the Argentines have dropped the two paragraphs which gave the British the most difficulty a consensus is developing to approve the text as it now stands.


That you approve a U.S. position of voting for the Argentine resolution.5

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, P840001–1649. Confidential. Drafted by L.R. Fleischer (ARA/USOAS) on November 15; cleared by T.J. Dunnigan (ARA/USOAS), Howard, J. Martin (ARA/RPP), K. Stocker (EUR/NE), and Gudgeon. Fleischer initialed for all clearing officials with the exception of Dunnigan who initialed the memorandum. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum indicates that Eagleburger saw it on November 16.
  2. Attached but not printed is the text of the Argentine draft resolution.
  3. Attached but not printed is a copy of the 1982 OASGA resolution on the Falklands/Malvinas. See Document 414.
  4. Attached but not printed is telegram 318076 to USUN, November 7, which conveyed the text of UNGA Resolution 38/7. See footnote 3, Document 433.
  5. Eagleburger initialed his approval of the recommendation on November 16, and wrote under his initials: “Tell the Brits.” The OAS General Assembly adopted Resolution 669 (XIII–0/83) on November 18. On November 24, the Department circulated a summary of the November 14–18 OASGA session, noting that the Falklands/Malvinas resolution “passed with little debate.” (Telegram 335273 to all American Republic diplomatic posts, USUN, and Brussels, November 24; Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D830692–0311)