310. Memorandum From Ambassador at Large Vernon A. Walters to Secretary of State Haig1
- Falklands/Malvinas
At 1445 today I received a phone call from Brigadier Peña who told me he was calling at Major Brigadier Miret’s request. He said the Argentine delegation to the United Nations had just received the British conditions for an agreement. They had been delivered to the Argentines, not by Ambassador Parsons, but by a low-ranking official. The conditions were the following:
1. Argentine forces must be withdrawn by a fixed date.
2. The British do not accept simultaneous withdrawal of forces.
3. The withdrawal of the UK forces will be subject to four conditions:
A. Reoccupation of the Islands;
B. Re-establishment of the administration of the Islands;
C. “Reconstruction” of the Islands;2
C. Consultation of the population.3
4. The withdrawal of the UK troops will follow an international security agreement which must involve the participation of the United States.
[Page 646]Brigadier Peña said he had no comment to make but was simply transmitting the conditions to me, at Major Brigadier Miret’s request. I told him I would pass them on to the Secretary at once. I personally did not have knowledge of them prior to his call.
Brigadier Peña’s phone number is 452-8707.
- Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, Files of Alexander M. Haig, Jr., 1981–1982, Lot 82D370, (3) Falklands Crisis 1982. Secret; Sensitive. Not For the System. Haig initialed at the top right-hand corner of the memorandum and underlined the text of the memorandum extensively.↩
- In the right-hand margin next to this point, Haig wrote: “(damage done).”↩
- In the right-hand margin next to this point, Haig wrote: “UN Res 71[?] on self-determ.”↩