287. Memorandum for the Record by the Deputy Director of Operations, National Military Command Center (Tobin)1
- AM–2 Airfield Matting (U)
1. (TS) SECDEF called the DDO (NMCC) at 232220 EDT May 82 indicating he had just received a request from Mr Nott, Secretary of State for Defense, United Kingdom, for 150,000 square yards of AM–2 [Page 604] airfield matting.2 SECDEF stated he supported the request and that speed in providing the equipment was essential. SECDEF stated financial details had to be worked out but UK was ready to buy now and long term future of matting would be worked out later. He requested the DDO take action to fulfill the request and brief him telephonically on the expected availability of the equipment prior to his departure for Detroit early morning, 24 May 1982.
2. (TS) At 240430 EDT May 82 the DDO read the draft JCS execute order (atch 1)3 and a message to Mr Nott (atch 2)4 to the SECDEF which he approved. The message to Mr Nott was dispatched. The execute order will be further coordinated prior to dispatch.
Brigadier General, USAF
Deputy Director for Operations, NMCC
- Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files, FRC 330–86–0042, UK 1982. Top Secret. A stamped notation at the bottom of the memorandum indicates that Carlucci saw it on May 24.↩
- Nott’s May 23 message reads: “I am very grateful for the helpful way in which, following our talks in Brussels earlier this month [see Document 233], your Department has approached the question of material support for UK forces. In particular, my officials have been in touch with yours about the possible release of 150,000 square yards of AM2 airfield matting, which I understand the US Marine Corps hold as war reserve. I should be very grateful if you could agree to this release at a very early date, in which case our officials could jointly work out the details. We would propose that the matting should be transported from the United States in a ship we would charter. We should also look to you for any special training required. As to the financial basis of the release, perhaps this could also be discussed between our officials: since you would need, I understand, to arrange for resupply you may wish to consider an arrangement under which you would supply to us initially on the basis that the matting would be returned if unused. If it were used, then when the Port Stanley airfield was permanently repaired we would recover it to become a useful enhancement of the UK’s capability, for use either within NATO or out of area.” (Washington National Records Center, OSD Files, FRC 330–84–0004, UK (May) 1982)↩
- Attached but not printed.↩
- Attached but not printed. In his message to Nott, sent to the British Ministry of Defense at 0901Z, May 24, Weinberger stated that the request had been approved and “will be met with maximum speed.” (Washington National Records Center, OSD Files, FRC 330–86–0042, UK 1982)↩