265. Telegram From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Multiple Military Recipients1
CJCS sends. Subject: Execute Order—Shipment of AIM–9L Sidewinder Missiles. (FMS case UK–P–LCL). (S)
Deliver upon receipt.
1. (S) This is an execute order by authority and direction of the Secretary of Defense.
2. (TS) Situation. The British officially requested 300 AIM–9L Sidewinder missiles with priority delivery of 100 missiles to Ascension Island ASAP. The SecDef has directed transfer of 100 AIM–9L Sidewinder missiles to the British under UK OP Corporate arrangements with immediate delivery to Ascension Island. Department of State concurs in this action.2
3. (TS) Mission. Action addressees are requested to transfer via fastest means 100 AIM–9L Sidewinder missiles from NAVWPNSTA Yorktown VA to NAS Norfolk VA FFT to Commander Ascension Aux AF via SAAM FLT 2434.
4. (S) Execution.
A. (S) NAVMTO coordinate with COMDR MAC terminal to ensure timely transfer of missiles from ground vehicles to air cargo pallets [Page 558] and onload to aircraft. Expeditious movement of the shipment is of paramount importance.
B. (S) Commander Ascension Aux AF take appropriate actions to insure physical transfer of the missiles to UK title.
C. (U) Coordinating instructions.
(1) (S) Missiles in this transfer are being provided from USN stocks for expediency reasons. Adjustment of actual inventory follows: USAF—75 AIM–9L missiles; USN—25 AIM–9L missiles.
(2) (S) Packaging, crating, handling and transportation charges to cover this shipment will be credited to FMS case: UK–P–LBZ.
(3) (S) Advise ALCON of flight mission data to indicate manifest and ETD/ETA Ascension Island.
5. (U) Administration and logistics.
A. (S) Movement priority 1A3 assigned. Cargo total wt 36,100 lbs and 1735 cu ft. net explosive wt by class: A—610 lbs; B—6010 lbs; C—126 lbs.
B. (S) Delivery to be completed NLT 160800Z May 82.
C. (S) POC for receipt of shipment at Ascension Island is LTC Bryden, USAF, Commander Ascension Aux AF, Autovon 234-3760.
D. (S) The quantity and value of AIM–9L missiles physically transferred will be reported to DSAA within three days of the date of transfer.
E. (C) Note to addressees and users of this message. The matters discussed in this message are exceptionally sensitive. Distribution should be limited to only those who have an absolutely essential need to know.
F. (S) Classify all movement messages Secret.
6. (U) Command and signal.
A. (S) Commander Ascension Aux AF is supported commander. CINCMAC and COMDR NAVWPNSTA are supporting commanders.
- Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files, FRC 330–86–0042, UK 1982. Top Secret; Immediate; Limdis. Releasable to UK. Sent to the Chief of Naval Operations, CINCMAC Scott AFB, NAVWPNSTA Yorktown, COMDR MAC Terminal Norfolk, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Ascension AAF, and NAVMTO Norfolk. Sent for information to the Department of Defense, Department of State, COMNAVSUPSYSCOM, NAS Norfolk, COM 21AFCP McGuire AFB, and AFLC WPAFB.↩
- See Document 264.↩