208. Significant Event Report Prepared in the National Military Command Center1


  • Falklands (U)

1. (S/US/UK only) British intelligence reported to NSA that at 021856Z May 82, the UK submarine Conqueror attacked the Argentine light cruiser Belgrano with torpedoes in the southern sector of the exclusion zone. The report indicated that the Belgrano was hit.2 (Source: NSA NOIWON)

2. (U) Reuters and Dow Jones news services report that Peruvian President Belaunde announced that both the UK and Argentina had agreed to a ceasefire in the Falkland crisis. President Belaunde who said he was acting as mediator between the US and Argentina, said a seven-point document has been agreed on by Argentina and the US, which acted in coordination with Britain. Belaunde further stated the document was drafted by Secretary of State Haig and passed to Argentine authorities by him. State Ops has not confirmed the report. (Reuters 162 021932 EDT, DJ–05–02–82 2317 GMT and PhonCon State OPS/NMCC)

3. (U) Selected notifications made as directed by J–30.

P.M. Hekman Jr
Rear Admiral, USN
Deputy Director for Operations (NMCC)
  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files, FRC 330–84–0003, Argentina (Jan–15 May) 1982. Secret.
  2. Falkland Islands Situation Report Number 46, as of 0600 EDT, May 3, noted that the General Belgrano was struck “just outside the 200-mile zone,” adding: “The UK MOD said the cruiser is believed to be severely damaged, but the sub suffered no damage and had resumed its patrol. Argentina acknowledged the General Belgrano was ‘damaged.’” (Telegram 118587 to all diplomatic and consular posts, May 3; Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D820230–0196) The Argentines confirmed the sinking in a communiqué issued later on May 3. (Department of State Falkland Working Group Situation Report Number 47, May 3; Department of State, Executive Secretariat, Files of Alexander M. Haig, Jr., 1981–1982, Lot 82D370, unlabeled folder)