124. Telegram From the Department of State to Secretary of State Haig1
Tosec 60014/101388. For the Secretary from Jerry Bremer. Subject: Message From John Nott.
1. Entire text–Top Secret.
2. Following is the text of a letter from Minister Nott to you delivered by the British Ambassador this afternoon.
3. Begin text:
Dear Al,
Our intelligence suggests that one or more Argentinian submarines may be operating inside the maritime exclusion zone, which clearly contravenes our notice to mariners which established the zone. I felt that you should know this immediately as you will appreciate the very real dangers.
Yours ever, John Nott. End text.
- Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, Top Secret Hardcopy Telegrams, Lot 12D215. Top Secret; Flash; Nodis. Drafted and approved by Bremer and cleared in S/S–O. Haig was then en route to Buenos Aires.↩