93. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Romania1



  • Visit by Secretary Haig.


  • A) State 21806,2
  • B) State 23572,3
  • C) State 21970,4
  • D) State 23524,5
  • E) Bucharest 488.6
(C—Entire text)
Ambassador should deliver the following message from Secretary Haig to Foreign Minister Andrei for delivery to President Ceausescu as soon as possible.

Begin quote:

Thank you for your gracious invitation to visit Romania. I am pleased that it will be possible to come to Bucharest on Friday, February 12. I look forward to meeting you and holding discussions on February 13 with you and Foreign Minister Andrei for a full exchange of views on matters of mutual interest and concern. End quote.

Ambassador should propose following tentative schedule to Foreign Minister and seek confirmation for the Department as soon as possible.
February 12
1945—Arrive Bucharest from Marrakech. Dinner (private). Given nature of visit, we would prefer to discourage Romanian dinner invitation.
February 13
0900—Meeting with Foreign Minister Andrei followed by meeting with President Ceausescu.
1145—Depart for Otopeni Airport.
1200—Depart Bucharest for United States.
Mrs. Haig will accompany the Secretary on the trip. Embassy should work out with Romanians a separate schedule for her for the morning of Saturday, February 13.
The Department is repeating Refs A through D for Bucharest’s action. These cables will provide detailed instructions on administrative arrangements which must be put into effect preparatory for the Secretary’s visit.
For strictly logistical reasons, the Embassy should plan to house all members of the Secretary’s party, including the Secretary and Mrs. Haig, in the same hotel. The Secretary appreciates that the Ambassador would want to extend hospitality to the Secretary and Mrs. Haig and the immediate members of his staff. He hopes the Ambassador will understand that he has found it extremely important that he and his entire immediate staff and the S/S support operation be located in the same building. The number of individuals on his staff cannot be accommodated at the Ambassador’ s residence.
Please confirm as soon as possible Romania’ s acceptance of proposed dates and schedule.
  1. Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Country File, Europe and Soviet Union, Romania (02/01/1982–02/14/1982). Confidential; Niact Immediate; Exdis. Sent Priority for information to Lisbon, Madrid, and Rabat. Printed from a copy that it was received in the White House Situation Room.
  2. Telegram 21806 to Bucharest, January 27, provided guidance and outlined the general requirements for Haig’s visit to Bucharest. (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D820047–0141)
  3. Telegram 23572 to Bucharest, January 28, described the communications procedures for Haig’s trip. (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D820049–1049)
  4. Telegram 21970 to several posts, January 28, described a variety of scenarios that needed to be considered prior to Haig’s arrival in each of the following cities: Lisbon, Madrid, Munich, and Marrakesh. (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D820047–0563)
  5. Telegram 23524 to Bucharest, January 28, outlined the press arrangements for the Secretary’s visit. (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D820049–0951)
  6. See footnote 2, Document 89.