67. Letter From Romanian President Ceausescu to President Reagan1

Dear Mr. President,

First of all, I should like to convey to You a warm greeting and to renew my best wishes for Your good health and happiness, for the success of Your high mission as well as my wishes of progress and prosperity for the friendly American people.

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Using this opportunity I desire to reaffirm once again Romania’s decision as well as mine that the relations between our countries know a continuous development on the basis of principles of international justice and of joint American-Romanian documents.

It is our profund conviction, continually strengthened by the experience of the last years, that the permanent deepening of relations and dialogue on multiple plans between the Socialist Republic of Romania and the United States of America is serving the national interests of our peoples and is affirming itself as a constructive factor in international relations, supporting the cause of peace, international cooperation and national independence of peoples.

I have no doubt, Mr. President, that You are sharing the same thoughts, that Your Administration and You, personally, will continue and develop the tradition of fruitful American-Romanian cooperation established in the last years granting all attention to the solution of problems arising in our mutual relations.

In this respect, I am confident that the visit of the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs to Washington2 as well as the visit of the U.S. Secretary of Trade to Bucharest3 will be concluded with fruitful results both on the plan of bilateral exchanges and of American-Romanian collaboration in the sphere of international life.

As You are aware of, in the positive evolution of the American-Romanian relationship a decisive role was played by the high level dialogue and I want to express my desire to continue and deepen this dialogue with You.

In this spirit, it is a great pleasure for me that on my own behalf and on behalf of my wife, to address to You and Mrs. Reagan the invitation to pay an official visit to Romania, at a mutually convenient date.

You may be sure, Mr. President, that You will be received in Romania with best feelings of esteem and friendship the Romanian people have for your people and country. I am convinced that the meetings and talks we shall have will range as a memorable moment in the upward evolution of American-Romanian relations.

With friendly feelings,

N. Ceauşescu4
  1. Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Head of State File, Romania: President Ceausescu (8101689) (2). No classification marking. Printed from an unofficial translation. A signed copy of the letter in the original Romanian is ibid.
  2. May 14–15. See Documents 72 and 73.
  3. May 14–15. See footnote 3, Document 76.
  4. The translation bears this typed signature.