395. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Bulgaria1



  • Demarche to Bulgarian Ambassador on Terrorism.


  • State 192309.2
Secret—Entire text
Acting Secretary Armacost met June 22 for twenty minutes with Bulgarian Ambassador Zhulev to present demarche on Bulgarian Government involvement with terrorist organizations, including Abu Nidal Organization (ANO), and the Qassar brothers. Points contained in demarche transmitted reftel.
The Acting Secretary prefaced the demarche by stressing overall USG concern over ANO activities and evidence that the GOB has permitted ANO and the Qassar brothers to operate on its territory. He urged that the GOB respond promptly to the demarche which contains detailed information.
Following presentation of the demarche, the Acting Secretary stressed the urgency of a prompt GOB reply since the USG is preparing [Page 1273] to publish detailed information on ANO and the related operations of the Qassars, and does not want to publish information which would embarrass countries prepared to cooperate in the effort to put international terrorists out of business. Ambassador Zhulev said that he would transmit the demarche immediately to his government, and stressed that the GOB is prepared to cooperate in the effort to combat international terrorism. He noted that a public exchange of accusations on the subject would not be helpful. He suggested that the terrorism issue be a subject on the agenda of discussions during the forthcoming visit of Bulgarian Deputy Foreign Minister Gotsev.3
Bularian DCM Srebrev accompanied the Ambassador. Also participating on the American side were Ambassador at Large for Counter-terrorism Bremer, EUR/EEY Director Wenick, and P Special Assistant Spiro.
  1. Source: Reagan Library, Rudolf Perina Files, Bulgaria—Bilateral 1987. Secret; Priority; Exdis.
  2. Telegram 192309 to Sofia, June 23, provided the talking points for Armacost’s June 22 démarche on terrorism to Zhulev and requested that the Embassy make a similar démarche in Sofia. (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D870676–0520)
  3. July 11–14.