257. Telegram From the Mission in West Berlin to the Department of State1



  • Berlin Wall Statistics.


  • A) USBer 16442
  • B) State 181403.3

1. The following are updated statistics issued by the Berlin Senat for the 20th anniversary of the construction of the Berlin Wall. Department should update the figures reported Ref A accordingly.


[Page 785]
— Berlin Wall—total length 165.7 km
— Concrete slab wall 107 km
— Metal bar fence 55.4 km
— Barbed wire 4.8 km
— Walls made of concrete slabs, walls in front of properties and house fronts 9 km
— Watchtowers and observation posts 277 each
— Bunkers, shelters 137 each
— Dog-blockades 271 each
— Anti-vehicular ditches 108 km
— Contact fences and signal alarms 123.5 km
— Shots fired by border troops 1,587 cases
— Shots striking in Berlin (West) with personal injury 20 projectiles
— With property damage 436 projectiles
— Arrests at the demarcation line 3,094 persons
— Fugitives (according to police findings) 4,747 persons
— Escapees belonging to “armed organizations of the GDR 542 persons
— Escapees, those aiding escapees and West Berliners who perished at the demarcation line 71 persons
— Those above killed by gunfire 55 persons
— Injured persons through use of weapons 112 persons
— Attacks against the “Wall” 32 cases
  1. Source: Reagan Library, William L. Stearman Files, Subject File, Berlin Wall. Unclassified.
  2. Telegram 1644 from West Berlin, July 13, provided the initial statistics for the Berlin Wall. (Department of Sate, Central Foreign Policy File, D810326–0169)
  3. Telegram 181403 to West Berlin, July 10, requested statistics outlining “human costs of the structure” at the time of the 20th anniversary of the building of the Berlin Wall. (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D810323–0678)