168. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State1

1487. For Under Secretary Eagleburger Only From Hartman. Subject: Secretary’s Meeting With Dobrynin.

1. Confidential—Entire text.

[Page 596]

2. Just back last weekend, and am naturally anxious for a read-out on the Secretary’s last meeting with Dobrynin,2 part of which I understand was one-on-one. I would also appreciate the text of the high-level message that Dobrynin gave the Secretary.3

3. When the Secretary returns, it will be important to pick up on some of the things which were discussed at Stockholm—in particular, the strategic arms framework, the consulates agreement, and the exchanges agreement. I will send some thoughts on the exchanges agreement in a few days.

4. We all had a feeling there was a little bit of movement and we should be sure it doesn’t stop for lack of imagination on our side. Important point to keep remembering these days is that any visible movement in the relation toward more constructive directions is in our interest and helps to knock down Soviet public campaign that things have never been worse. Therefore, we should let loose a few initiatives.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, Electronic Telegrams, N840003–0057. Confidential; Nodis.
  2. See Document 165.
  3. See Document 164.