81. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to Secretary of State Vance1


  • Contingency Plans on Kampuchean Relief Efforts (U)

In the light of (1) the continued blockage of internal distribution of food within Kampuchea, (2) the desirability of avoiding further mass migration of Khmers into Thailand, (3) the deadlines the ICRC has privately set for continuation of operations in Kampuchea, (4) the hold which the World Food Program has put on shipments because of filled warehouses, and (5) the reports of possible plans temporarily to close Kampong Som and Phnom Penh to international deliveries, it is essential that we make plans for avoiding famine in the event of the possible contingencies we can envisage. (S)

Such contingency planning should include alternatives for both U.S. and multilateral actions, and should deal with both Kampuchea and Thailand. It should answer the following questions:

a. How can the maximum number of Khmer civilians inside Kampuchea be fed if the blockage of relief supplies continues? What specific options are available for getting food inside the country? (U)

b. What plans for cross-border feeding via Thailand can be made which might substitute for internal distribution if that proves inadequate to prevent mass starvation? Should additional feeding points be established? Can such planning minimize additional strains on, or potential threats to Thailand? (C)

c. In elaboration of a. and b. what specific methods for both internal and cross-border distribution can we now tentatively plan that will be responsive to the magnitude of the problem? (U)

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d. How does the above planning relate to the predicted early exhaustion of indigenous food supplies in Kampuchea? (U)

e. What deadline should be fixed for new U.S. policy decisions and implementation of alternative plans should they become necessary to avert a famine? (C)

The Department’s analysis should be available by January 23. (U)2

Zbigniew Brzezinski3
  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Brzezinski Office File, Country Chron File, Box 6, Cambodia, 1980. Secret.
  2. The paper that Tarnoff sent to Brzezinski under a January 29 covering memorandum is in the Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 43, Kampuchea, 1/80–1/81.
  3. Aaron signed for Brzezinski above Brzezinski’s typed signature.