382. Message From the White House Situation Room to President Carter1
WH92180. Subject: Anti-US Demonstrations in Pakistan.
Demonstrators are firing through air conditioning duct. Second and third floors of Embassy as well as motor pool are now afire. Helicopter which went to clear roof forced to retire and is now hovering along with another helicopter. Troops are at Embassy but have made no move to intervene apparently having not rpt not been given command to move in. Ambassador has been attempting to persuade authorities in person one General Aktar to intervene, but apparently without success.
2. Islamabad also has had contact with American Center in Rawalpindi, confirms that Center on fire, and reports that they have just lost radio contact with Center. Post
- Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 59, Pakistan: 5–12/79. Confidential. Sent to Wise for delivery to Carter, who was at Camp David. Carter initialed “C” at the top of the message. The message repeats telegram 6613 from Karachi, November 21, except the first sentence, which reads: “Islamabad reports that demonstrators are now beating on door of vault.” (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D790546–0401, D790535–1045)↩