7. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Libya1
86313. Subject: Libyan Demarche on Sadat’s Intentions.
1. Libyan Charge Gashut delivered following undated, untitled “piece of paper” to NEA/AFN April 14:
2. Begin text:
Quote: The information available to us confirms that Sadat during his visit to Washington2 requested permission and arms to make war against the people of the Libyan Jamahiriah.
This became certain after Sadat’s return to Egypt and immediately ordered his armed forces and land-to-land missiles to be moved to the Libyan border. He also issued his orders to detain Libyan diplomats and preventing all Libyan nationals from leaving Egypt.
It is certain that when Sadat came to you he did not come for peace but he came for war and this was confirmed to us by our sources.
We want confirmation or denial before we start an international move in this concern. End quote. End text.
3. We are considering how best to reply to Libyan note.
- Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Middle East, Subject File, Box 61, Libya: 2/77–12/78. Secret; Priority; Exdis. Sent for information Priority to Cairo. Printed from a copy that was received in the White House Situation Room. Drafted by M.C. King (NEA/AFN); cleared in S/S, NEA/EGY, and NEA/AFN; approved by Veliotes. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D770133–0533)↩
- See footnote 5, Document 6.↩