35. Memorandum From Secretary of State Vance to President Carter1

[Omitted here is material unrelated to the conflict between Egypt and Libya.]

2. Egypt-Libya: Dave Newsom met today with Egyptian Director of Military Intelligence, General Shawkat, to caution Egypt against moving militarily against Libya.2 Shawkat acknowledged that there has been some augmentation of Egyptian forces in the Western Desert facing Libya, but explained that the recent transfer of two brigades from Suez westward reflected a decision to redeploy some troops facing Israel in the context of peace negotiations. Shawkat categorically said Egypt could not afford to go to war against Libya.

I have cautioned General Ali on action against Libya, and we are instructing Ambassador Eilts to raise this matter with Sadat.

[Omitted here is material unrelated to the conflict between Egypt and Libya.]

  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Subject File, Box 21, Evening Reports (State): 11/78. Secret.
  2. In telegram 282694 to Cairo and the White House, November 7, the Department reported on Newsom’s November 3 meeting with Shawkat: “Newsom made point that, while we would understand any GOE deployment of forces to meet defensive needs vis-a-vis conceivable Libyan attack, we do not see any benefit should the GOE initiate action against Qadhafi government.” (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P840153–2423)