June–December 1978
177. Memorandum of Record
Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Far East, Oksenberg Subject File, Box 24, Blumenthal 2/79 Trip to China: 12/78–2/79. Confidential. Drafted by Hallford. Copies were sent to Fisher, Holbrooke, Oksenberg, and Sullivan.
178. Letter From Former President Nixon to President Carter
Source: Carter Library, Plains File, Subject File, Box 39, State Department Evening Reports, 12/78. No classification marking. At the top of the page, Carter wrote, “Very good letter. J.” Someone, perhaps Carter, wrote, “CC: Zbig, Fritz, Cy.” The salutation is handwritten.
179. Memorandum From Secretary of Defense Brown to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski)
Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files: FRC 330–81–0202, China (Nats), 092. Secret. Sent to Brown under a December 23 covering memorandum from McGiffert that reads, “Warren Christopher will confront a number of questions on which we do not yet have precise guidance from the White House. The attached memo to Zbig is designed to obtain such guidance quickly in the form of his endorsement of your proposals. Alternatively you may wish to use the memo as talkers for a phone call to ZB.” On the covering memorandum, someone, probably McGiffert, wrote, “The White House expects this—as a memo to get decisions on some open issues made.” (Ibid.)
180. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780532–0075. Secret; Immediate; Exdis. Drafted by Feldman (EA/ROC) and approved by Sullivan. Repeated to CINCPAC Honolulu for POLAD and to SecDef.
181. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to the Deputy Secretary of State (Christopher)
Source: Carter Library, Brzezinski Donated Material, Geographic File, Box 9, China (People’s Republic of): Alpha Channel: Trip: 12/78–1/80. Secret; Sensitive.
182. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780535–1024. Secret; Flash; Exdis. Drafted by Anderson and approved by Holbrooke, Feldman, Thayer, and Acting Legal Adviser Lee R. Marks. Repeated to Hong Kong and Immediate to Beijing.
183. Telegram From the U.S. Pacific Command to the Department of State and the White House
Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 10, China (PRC): Reaction to Normalization, 12/22–28/78. Secret; Sensitive; Specat Exclusive; Nodis.
184. Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780539–0670. Secret; Priority; Exdis. Repeated to Hong Kong and Beijing.
185. Telegram From the Department of State to the Liaison Office in China
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D790001–0037. Limited Official Use; Flash. Repeated Immediate to Hong Kong and the White House. Based on a text received from the White House and cleared by Thayer.