128. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to Secretary of State Vance1


  • Presidential Decisions on Pakistan, Afghanistan and India (S)

The following decisions were made by the President as a result of the PRC Meeting of December 27 and the NSC Meeting of December 28 and should be implemented:2


1. Our ultimate goal is the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Even if this is not attainable, we should make Soviet involvement as costly as possible and should use the events in Afghanistan as a rallying point for our policies in the area.

2. We should push these objectives vigorously, going to the United Nations if necessary. It would be preferable, however, for other countries to take the lead in the UN.

3. Messages should be sent to our NATO Allies, China and key leaders in the UN and Non-Aligned Movement, drawing their attention to the events in Afghanistan and calling for appropriate responses.

4. We will not link the Soviet action in Afghanistan to SALT. At the same time, however, we will not permit our interest in SALT to deter us from speaking and acting forcefully.

5. We will send public and private messages to the Soviets, citing the unacceptability of their behavior, the threat to the peace posed by [Page 352] their actions, and their violation of the principles of behavior we agreed to in 1972. (TS)


1. We are prepared to send a high-level mission to Pakistan, headed by Deputy Secretary Christopher, to consult on the new situation in the region.

2. Military sales will be resumed and facilitated.

3. We shall ask the Saudis to assist on financing military purchases by Pakistan.

4. Two GEARING-class destroyers will be provided to Pakistan expeditiously.

5. We shall move promptly in providing $40 million in PL–480 assistance.

6. Additional assistance will be provided to help Pakistan deal with the Afghan refugee problem.

7. We will reaffirm our nuclear policy towards Pakistan and make clear the legislative restrictions. We will, however, urge the Pakistanis to put the problem aside for solution later while we deal with the Soviet-Afghan problem. (S)


1. A high-level mission will be sent to India following the Indian elections.

2. Ambassador Gerard Smith should provide a memorandum to the President before we move to approve the pending license for supply of fuel to the Tarapur reactor or submit the second Indian request to the NRC. (S)

Zbigniew Brzezinski
  1. Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat (ES), Sensitive and Super Sensitive File, 1979–1983, Lot 96D262, Box 4, 1980 ES Sensitive, Jan 1–31. Top Secret. Copies were sent to Brown and Turner.
  2. See Documents 102 and 107.