364. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel1

111991. Subject: Letter to the President From Prime Minister Begin.

1. Secret Entire text.

2. Following FYI is text of letter to the President from Prime Minister Begin delivered by Israeli Embassy April 28.

3. Begin text.

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for your letter2 of April 24 which was brought to me on Friday, April 25, by the U.S. Charge d’Affaires, Mr. Brown.

In accordance with your request I acted at once by asking the Deputy Defence Minister to instruct our military commanders to use whatever influence possible with Major Haddad to ensure that the UN [Page 1228] IFIL forces in southern Lebanon would not be shelled nor attacked in any other form.

Subsequently, I received reports that the request had been fulfilled. I can again repeat my promise, Mr. President, that Israel will do its best and utmost and will exercise restoration of peaceful conditions in southern Lebanon.

May I, Mr. President, use this opportunity to express to you and to the American people our deep condolences at the tragic loss of life during the rescue mission in Iran.3 May God console the bereaved families in their grief. The mishap which occurred can happen in any operation. However, the mission itself was noble in its concept and in its purpose—to save the hostages.

We all deeply regret that this mission did not succeed but that should under no circumstances change anybody’s attitude towards the goal itself and the courageous decision which you took to try and bring home diplomats who are being held in captivity in violation of sacrosanct international laws and customs.

The people of Israel stand by you and the American nation at this difficult hour. It is our fervent hope that the freeing of the hostages will yet be accomplished.4

With best regards.

Yours respectfully and sincerely.

Menachem Begin.

End text.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P880145–1818. Secret; Immediate; Nodis. Drafted by Korn; cleared by Edward J. Hull (NEA), Hunter, and Bremer and in S/S–O; approved by Korn. Sent for information Immediate to Jerusalem, Beirut, and the White House.
  2. See Document 362.
  3. Reference is to the failed April 24 attempt to rescue the Tehran Embassy personnel held hostage by Iranian revolutionaries since November 1979.
  4. In a brief response on May 2, Carter thanked Begin for his “considerate message” about the hostages in Iran and expressed his appreciation for Begin’s “prompt action in instructing your military commanders to try influencing Major Haddad.” “It is my hope,” Carter added, “that UNIFIL will be able to turn its attention increasingly to the critical problem of infiltration, which directly affects Israel’s security.” (Telegram WH80487 to Tel Aviv, May 2; Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, President’s Correspondence with Foreign Leaders File, Box 10, Israel: Prime Minister Menachem Begin, 3–12/80)