- Aaron, David L., Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
- Abdullah bin-Aziz al Saud, Saudi Second Deputy Prime Minister
- Abu Odeh, Adnan, Jordanian Minister of Information until December 1979 and from September 1980; Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Ali, Kamal Hassan, Egyptian Minister of Defense from September 1978 until May 1980; Minister of Foreign Affairs from May 1980; Deputy Prime Minister from May 1980
- al-Araby, Nabil, Director, Legal Department, Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Arafat, Yassir, Chairman, Palestine Liberation Organization
- al-Asad (Assad), Hafez, President of Syria
- Atherton, Alfred L. (Roy), Jr., Ambassador at Large until May 22, 1979; U.S. Ambassador to Egypt from July 2, 1979
- Avner, Yehuda, Israeli diplomat; personal adviser to Prime Minister Begin
- Badawi, Ahmad, Egyptian Minister of Defense from May 1980
- Badran, Muhdar, Jordanian Prime Minister until December 1979 and from September 1980; Jordanian Minister of Defense until December 1979 and from September 1980; Jordanian Minister of Foreign Affairs until December 1979
- Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi emissary to the United States
- Barak, Aharon, Justice, Israeli Supreme Court from September 22, 1978; Israeli Prime Minister’s Legal Adviser
- Bar-On, Hanan, Minister, Israeli Embassy in the United States
- Bartholomew, Reginald, National Security Council Staff until April 1979
- el-Baz, Osama, Egyptian Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs
- Begin, Menachem, Prime Minister of Israel; also Minister of Defense from May 28, 1980; also Minister of Foreign Affairs from October 23, 1979, until March 10, 1980
- Ben-Elissar, Eliahu, Chef de Cabinet, Israeli Prime Minister’s Office; Israeli Ambassador to Egypt from February 26, 1980
- Bennet, Douglas J., Jr., Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs until August 2, 1979; Administrator for the Agency for International Development from August 3, 1979, until January 20, 1981
- Benson, Lucy W.P., Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science, and Technology until January 5, 1980
- Bergland, Robert, Secretary of Agriculture
- Bishara, Abdullah, Kuwaiti Permanent Representative to the United Nations
- Blackwill, Robert D., Political Counselor, Embassy in Tel Aviv, until September 1979
- Blum, Yehuda, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations
- Blumenthal, W. Michael, Secretary of the Treasury until August 4, 1979
- Boutros, Fu’ad, Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, Egyptian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs; Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs from September 17, 1978, until February 1979
- Bovis, Eugene, Foreign Service Officer in the Middle East
- Bowdler, William G., Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- Bowie, Robert R., Director, National Foreign Affairs Center, Central Intelligence Agency
- Brezhnev, Leonid I., General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- Bridges, Peter S., Director, Office of United Nations Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State, until August 1980
- Brown, Harold, Secretary of Defense
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew K., Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
- Burg, Yosef, Israeli Minister of Internal Affairs
- Byrd, Robert C., Senator (D-West Virginia); Senate Majority Leader
- Callaghan, James, British Prime Minister until May 1979
- Carlucci, Frank C., III, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
- Carter, James Earl (Chip) III, son of President Carter
- Carter, James Earl, (Jimmy), President of the United States
- Cathey, Charles H., Major General, USA; Head of U.S. Military Training Mission, Saudi Arabia, from July 1977 until July 1979
- Chamoun (Shamun), Camille, Leader, National Liberal Party (Lebanon); former President of Lebanon from 1952 until 1958
- Chamoun (Shamun), Dany, Leader, Lebanese Forces
- Charney, Leon, U.S. attorney for Israeli Defense Minister Ezer Weizman
- al-Choufi, Hammoud, Syrian Permanent Representative to the United Nations
- Christopher, Warren M., Deputy Secretary of State; Acting Secretary of State from April 28 until May 2 and May 4 until May 8, 1980
- Church, Frank F., Senator (D-Idaho); Chairman, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
- Ciechanover, Joseph, Director General, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Claytor, W. Graham, Jr., Deputy Secretary of Defense from August 24, 1979, until January 16, 1981
- Clift, A. Denis, Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs
- Clough, Susan S., Private Secretary to the President
- Cohen, Geula, Member of the Israeli Knesset
- Constable, Peter D., Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs from July 1979; Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
- Cooper, Richard N., Under Secretary of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs; Acting Secretary of State on May 3, 1980
- Covey, James P., Political Officer, Office of Israel and Arab-Israeli Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State
- Cuq, Jean, General, Personal Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Southern Lebanon
- Cutler, Lloyd N., White House Counsel
- Dabboul, Mohammed, Private Secretary to Syrian President Hafez al-Asad
- Daniels, M. Gordon, staff, U.S. Embassy in Jidda
- Dayan, Moshe, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs until October 21, 1979
- Dean, John Gunther, Ambassador to Lebanon from October 10, 1978
- Denend, Leslie G., member, National Security Council Staff; Special Assistant to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs from January 1980 until January 1981
- Dinitz, Simcha, Israeli Ambassador to the United States until January 11, 1979
- Dobrynin, Anatoly F., Soviet Ambassador to the United States
- Dodson, Christine, Staff Secretary, National Security Council
- Donovan, Hedley W., White House Senior Adviser
- Draper, Morris, Director, Office of Lebanon, Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, and Iraq Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State
- Duncan, Charles W., Jr., Secretary of Energy from August 24, 1979, until January 20, 1981
- Dutton, Frederick G., U.S. consultant to the Saudi Arabian Government; Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Relations from 1961 until 1964
- el-Ehrian, Abdallah, Legal Adviser to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry
- Ehrlich, Simcha, Israeli Minister of Finance
- Eilts, Hermann F., U.S. Ambassador to Egypt until May 20, 1979
- Eizenstat, Stuart L., White House Counsel; President’s Assistant for Domestic Affairs and Policy
- Ermarth, Fritz, member, National Security Council Staff until November 1980
- Evron, Ephraim (Eppie, Eppy), Israeli Ambassador to the United States from January 11, 1979
- Fahd bin Abdul Aziz al Saud, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia
- Flaten, Robert, staff, Legislative Management Office for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Bureau of Congressional Relations, Department of State; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations from September 1979
- Freij, Elias, Mayor of Bethlehem
- Gaffney, Henry H., Director, Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, Department of Defense
- Gamasy (Jamasi), Mohammed Abdel Ghani, Lieutenant General, Egyptian Minister of Defense until September 1978
- Gates, Robert, Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
- Gemayel, Pierre, Leader, Kataeb (Phalange) Party (Lebanon)
- el-Gheite, Abou, staff, Office of the Foreign Minister (Egypt)
- Ghorbal, Ashraf, Egyptian Ambassador to the United States
- Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, President of France
- Glaspie, April, staff, U.S. Embassy in London
- Gromyko, Andrei A., Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Guiringaud, Louis de, French Minister of Foreign Affairs until November 29, 1978
- Habib, Philip C., Senior Adviser to the Secretary of State
- Haddad, Saad, Major, Lebanese Christian militia leader
- Hammadi, Saddoun, Iraqi Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Hansell, Herbert J., Legal Adviser, Department of State, until September 20, 1979
- Hart, Donald F., Head of Economic/Commercial Section at Embassy in Tel Aviv
- Henze, Paul, member, National Security Council Staff
- Hinton, Deane R., Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs from January 4, 1980, until May 14, 1981
- Hosni, Wafiq, Director, Economic Department, Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Houghton, Arthur A., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State
- Hunter, Robert, member, National Security Council Staff
- Hurvitz, Yigael, Israeli Minister for Finance from November 1979 until January 1981
- Hussein I (Husayn), King of Jordan
- Hussein, Saddam, President of Iraq
- Inderfurth, Karl F. (Rick), Special Assistant to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs until April 1979
- Iyad, Abu, Deputy leader, Palestine Liberation Organization
- Javits, Jacob, Senator (R-New York)
- Jones, David C., General, USAF, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Jordan, Hamilton, White House Chief of Staff from 1979 until 1980
- Kamel (Kamil), Muhammad Ibrahim, Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs until September 17, 1978
- Keene, Douglas, Deputy Director, Office of Security Assistance and Sales, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State, from March 1979 until August 1980
- Khaddam, Abdel Khalim, Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Khalid bin Abdul Aziz, King of Saudi Arabia
- Khalidi, Walid, Palestinian historian; co-founder of the Institute for Palestine Studies in Beirut
- Khalil, Mustafa, Prime Minister of Egypt from October 2, 1978, until May 15, 1980; Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs from February 1979 until May 1980
- Kirby, William A., member, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- Kissinger, Henry A., Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1969 until 1975; Secretary of State from 1973 until 1977
- Kollek, Theodor (Teddy), Mayor of Jerusalem
- Kontos, C. William, staff, Sinai Support Mission
- Korn, David A., Director, Israel and Arab-Israeli Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State
- Kornienko, Georgi M., Soviet First Deputy to the Foreign Minister
- Kreisky, Bruno, Austrian Chancellor
- Lawrence, Richard D., Major General, USA, Military representative, U.S. delegation, Egyptian-Israeli peace talks
- Leonard, James, Deputy to the Special Representative of the President to the Middle East peace negotiations from May 12, 1979
- Lewis, Samuel W., U.S. Ambassador to Israel
- Linowitz, Sol M., Special Representative of the President to the Middle East peace negotiations from December 4, 1979
- Lipshutz, Robert J., White House legal counsel
- McGiffert, David E., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
- McHenry, Donald F., Representative to the United Nations from September 23, 1979, until January 20, 1981
- McIntyre, James T., Director, Office of Management and Budget
- McMahon, John N., Deputy Director for Operations, Central Intelligence Agency
- el-Magdoub, Taha, General, Egyptian delegate to the Blair House talks
- Maher, Ahmed, Director of the Cabinet of the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs
- March, William H., Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science, and Technology
- Marthinsen, Charles E., Director, Office of Egypt Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State until June 1980
- al-Masri, Hikmat, Former Speaker of the Jordanian Parliament
- Matthews, H. Freeman, Jr., Deputy Chief of Mission, Cairo, until August 1980; Chargé d’Affaires from May 20 until July 20, 1979
- Maynes, Charles W., Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs until April 9, 1980
- Meir, Golda, Israeli Prime Minister from 1969 until 1974
- Modai, Yitzhak, Israeli Minister of Petroleum and Infrastructure
- Mondale, Walter, Vice President of the United States
- Moore, Frank, President’s Assistant for Congressional Liaison
- Mortada, Saad, Egyptian Ambassador to Israel from February 26, 1980
- Moses, Alfred, Special Adviser to President Carter from March 1980
- Mubarak (Mobarak), Hosni, Vice President of Egypt
- Murphy, Nicholas, staff, U.S. Embassy in Paris
- Murray, Robert J., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near Eastern, African, and South Asian Affairs
- Muskie, Edmund S., Secretary of State from May 8, 1980
- Nasser, Gamel Abdel, President of Egypt from 1956 until 1970
- Navon, Yitzhak, President of Israel
- Nehushtan, Jacob, Minister, Israeli Embassy in Washington
- Newlin, Michael H., Principal Officer, Jerusalem until January 1980
- Newsom, David D., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; Acting Secretary of State from May 2 until May 4, 1980
- Nimeiri (Nimeiry), Jaafar, President of Sudan
- Nimetz, Matthew, Counselor, Department of State, until March 19, 1980; Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs from February 19, 1980, until December 5, 1980
- Nunn, Sam, Senator (D-Georgia)
- Orly, Abraham, General, Israeli Coordinator of the administration of Sinai, Gaza, and the West Bank
- Owen, Henry D., Special Representative to the President for Economic Summits
- Parker, Richard B., U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon until October 1, 1978
- Pattir, Dan, Advisor to the Israeli Prime Minister for Public Affairs
- Pelletreau, Robert H., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
- Peres, Shimon, Leader of the Alignment Party; previously Prime Minister of Israel from April 22, 1977, until June 21, 1977
- Poran, Ephraim, Brigadier General, Military Secretary to Prime Minister Begin
- Powell, Jody, White House Press Secretary
- Qadhafi, Muammar, President of Libya
- Quandt, William B., member, National Security Council Staff until August 1979
- Rabin, Yitzhak, Israeli Prime Minister from 1974 until 1977
- Rafshoon, Gerald, White House Communications Director from 1978 until 1979
- Raphel, Arnold L., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State
- el-Reedy, Abdul Rauf, Director of Policy Planning, Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Rosenne, Meir, Legal Adviser to the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Rubinstein, Elyakim (Elie), Assistant Director General, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Sabbagh, Isa K., Political Counselor, Embassy in Jidda
- al-Sadat, Anwar, President of Egypt
- Salah (Salih), Ali Abdullah, Lieutenant Colonel, President of the Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen)
- Sanders, Edward, Senior Adviser to the President and Special Adviser to the Secretary of State for Middle East Affairs until March 1980
- Sarkis, Elias, President of Lebanon
- Saud bin Faisal al Saud, Prince, Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Saunders, Harold H. (Hal), Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
- al-Sayeh, Hamid Abd al-Latif, Egyptian Minister of Economy, Economic Cooperation and Foreign Trade until May 1980
- Schmidt, Helmut, West German Chancellor
- Seelye, Talcott W., U.S. Ambassador to Syria from September 17, 1978
- Seignious, George M., Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- Shaka, Bassam, Mayor of Nablus
- Shamir, Yitzhak, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs from March 10, 1980
- Sharaf, Abdul Hamid, Chief of the Royal Court (Jordan) until December 1979; Jordanian Prime Minister from December 1979 until July 1980; Jordanian Minister of Foreign Affairs from December 1979 until July 1980; Jordanian Minister of Defense from December 1979 until July 1980
- Sharon, Ariel, Israeli Minister of Agriculture
- al-Shawa, Rashad, Palestinian mayor of Gaza from 1971 until 1982
- Sherman, George F., Jr., Public Affairs Adviser, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State
- Shulman, Marshall D., Special Adviser on Soviet Affairs to the Secretary of State
- Sick, Gary, member, National Security Council Staff
- Small, David H., Assistant Legal Adviser for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- Smith, Carl R., Brigadier General, USAF; Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
- Sterner, Michael E., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
- Strauss, Robert S., Special Representative of the President to the Middle East peace negotiations from April 24, 1979, until November 6, 1979
- Suddarth, Roscoe S., Deputy Chief of Mission, Amman, until May 1979; Deputy Executive Assistant, Office of the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, from May 1979
- Sultan bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, Saudi Minister of Defense and Aviation
- Tamir, Avraham, Major General, Director, Israeli Army Planning Branch
- Tarnoff, Peter R., Executive Secretary of the Department of State
- Terzi, Zehdi, Palestine Liberation Organization Representative to the United Nations
- Toon, Malcolm, U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union until October 16, 1979
- Tueni, Ghassan, Lebanese Permanent Representative to the United Nations
- Tuhami, Hassan, Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister
- Turki bin Faisal al-Saud, Saudi Director of Intelligence
- Turner, Stansfield, Admiral, USN, Director of Central Intelligence
- Twinam, Joseph W., Director, Arabian Peninsula Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until July 1979; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs from July 1979
- Tzipori (Zippori), Mordechai, Israeli Deputy Minister of Defense
- Vance, Cyrus R., Secretary of State until April 28, 1980
- Vanden Heuvel, William J., Deputy Representative to the United Nations from 1979 until 1981.
- Vardi, Joseph, Director General, Israeli Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
- Veliotes, Nicholas A., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs until September 17, 1978; U.S. Ambassador to Jordan from September 17, 1978
- Vest, George S., Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs
- Viets, Richard N., Deputy Chief of Mission, Tel Aviv, until October 1979
- Waldheim, Kurt, Secretary-General of the United Nations
- Walker, Edward S. (Ned), staff, Office of the Special Representative of the President in the Office of the Secretary of State
- Warnke, Paul C., Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- Watson, Jack H., Jr., Secretary to the Cabinet and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs; White House Chief of Staff from 1980 until 1981.
- Weizman, Ezer, Israeli Minister of Defense until May 1980
- West, John C., U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia
- Wisner, Frank G., Deputy Executive Secretary of the Department of State from 1977 until 1979
- Yadin, Yigael, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister
- Young, Andrew J., U.S. Representative to the United Nations until September 23, 1979
- Zablocki, Clement J., Representative (D-Wisconsin); Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on International Relations
- Zamir, Yitzhak, Israeli Attorney General
- Zwiefel, David E., Deputy Director, Office of Egypt Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State, until June 1979; Deputy Chief of Mission, Amman, from June 1979