58. Letter from President Carter to Syrian President Asad1

Dear Mr. President:

Ambassador Murphy has advised me of your recent decision to allow some of Syria’s Jewish citizens to come to the United States to join their husbands and for purposes of education.2 I am pleased that this can be done in full accord with Syrian law and Syrian traditions. Above all, I warmly appreciate your deep humanitarian interest in this issue which, as you are aware, has been a personal concern of mine as well.

The procedure of submitting notarized marriage proposals, and using representatives of the Jewish community in Syria as intermediaries, was developed as an initiative from the Jewish community of Syrian origin in the New York City area. The members of this community remain attached to the cultural traditions of their ancestral homeland. They use Arabic and their way of life parallels in many respects that of Syria’s Jewish community. Members of this community have made clear to us their great appreciation for the steps you have taken to assure the well-being and equal treatment of their co-religionists in Syria.

I am confident that, as further marriage or education proposals are developed in the future, you and your government will give them the same humanitarian consideration as you have in this latest instance.

Your decision, Mr. President, cannot help but strengthen the existing friendly relations between the Syrian and American Governments and people.

With warm good wishes,


Jimmy Carter3
  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Middle East File, Subject File, Box 88, Syria: 6–8/77. No classification marking.
  2. See footnote 7, Document 20.
  3. Under his signature, Carter wrote, “p.s. I will be writing you soon, prior to the visit of Sec. Vance, to outline peace negotiation prospects. J.C.”