192. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Egypt1

11071. Subject: Letter to Sadat From President Carter.

Please deliver following letter from President Carter for President Sadat. Begin text:

Dear Mr. President:

Although our pleasant and fruitful discussions took place in Aswan only a few days ago,2 I want to share with you these further thoughts on the eve of the Political Committee meeting in Jerusalem.

Our objective in these meetings will be to help the representatives of Egypt and Israel to move as quickly as possible to the substance of the issues with which we now must deal if there is to be concrete movement towards peace. I know that is your objective as well, and believe the way we have worked together in the last few days to resolve the [Page 931] issues that arose over the agenda proves that our approaches are the same. I agreed that Secretary Vance should postpone his departure until the issue of the agenda had been resolved because I wanted to demonstrate that he is going to Jerusalem to discuss substance and not to engage in negotiation over words that will not by themselves move us closer to peace.3

As I have reflected on our discussions, I have perceived that our common objective is not just a statement of principles for its own sake but basic decisions on the main elements of a peace agreement which could then be reflected in a declaration or in any other form that would be politically useful. Cy Vance will be concentrating on those elements in Jerusalem and will do what he can to keep the discussions there focused on them.

I deeply appreciate the way we have been able to work together. It is my desire that we should continue to work this way in the days ahead for the sake of the larger objective we share.

Thank you again for your hospitality in Aswan. My greatest regret from my trip was that I was not able to stay with you and your people longer. But the hour we had together proved how easily we communicate with each other and how quickly we can reach common conclusions.

Cy will stay in close touch with you through Ambassador Eilts while he is in Jerusalem and will look forward to reporting to you personally on his way back to Washington.

Sincerely, signed Jimmy Carter.

End text.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P840148–1475. Secret; Immediate; Nodis. Drafted by Brubeck (NEA), cleared by Quandt and Lowell Fleischer (S/S–O), and approved by Atherton. Sent for information to Tel Aviv.
  2. See Document 185.
  3. Vance delayed his departure, originally scheduled for January 14, because of Israeli and Egyptian differences on the wording of the Palestinian issue in the agenda of the Political Committee meeting in Jerusalem. (Bernard Gwertzman, “Vance Delays Trip to Mideast Parley at the Last Minute,” New York Times, January 15, 1978, p. 1) The first meeting of the Political Committee was postponed from January 15 to January 17.