216. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to President Carter1


  • Basic Strategy Issues

Harold Brown submitted a paper outlining nine issues of basic strategy for our national security policy which he asked be discussed at an SCC Meeting.2 Attached are the Minutes of that discussion.3 It was the SCC recommendation that an NSC meeting be held on the paper along with comments by the DCI and State. The purpose would be to help you clarify the strategic legacy you want to leave the Reagan Administration as you address the Defense budget decisions. It would also help you decide the major points you will make in your State of the Union Address. (S)

As you will see from the Minutes, Ed Muskie was not happy with the paper, was disturbed about not having it staffed widely in State, and was reluctant to bring it to your attention. Harold, on the contrary, was very anxious to bring it to your attention. I encouraged Muskie to put his views in writing so that they may have the most thoughtful and considered expression. Depending on Muskie’s comments, we may need an NSC meeting.4 (S)

  1. Source: Carter Library, Brzezinski Donated Material, Subject File, Box 35, PD 59: (5/80–1/81). Secret. Sent for action.
  2. See Document 214.
  3. No minutes of the meeting found. The summary of conclusions is Document 215.
  4. Carter wrote at the bottom of the memorandum: “Zbig—I’ll wait for Ed’s comments. J.”